Andrew Cuomo On Alvin Bragg Prosecution Of Trump: “I think it’s all politics”

Donald Trump has found a surprising defender in the Alvin Bragg case. Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is saying the prosecution is all about politics.

Bragg’s case seems to be falling apart. He is backpedaling and even Trump’s legal team is downplaying the case.

Even so, who saw Andrew Cuomo taking this position?

FOX News reports:

Andrew Cuomo blasts Manhattan DA Bragg’s Trump probe: ‘I think it’s all politics’Former Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo criticized Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg over his focus on potentially prosecuting former President Donald Trump and suggested the move is politically motivated.”I don’t understand why Bragg is putting such emphasis on this case,” the former governor told WABC Radio on Friday night.”A person breaks the law I get it, but on the state side this is a misdemeanor case. It’s really a federal case because he needs it to be a campaign finance fraud case which is a federal case and that’s what Bragg is going to have to do to get a felony out of this.”Cuomo said that the public is generally “cynical” and “when they see prosecutors bringing these political cases” it just “affirms everybody’s cynicism.””I think it’s all politics and that’s what I think the people of this country are saying,” Cuomo continued. “It just feeds that anger and that cynicism and the partisanship. It’s a coincidence that Bragg goes after Trump and Tish James goes after Trump and Georgia goes after Trump? That’s all a coincidence? I think it feeds the cynicism and that’s the cancer in our body politic right now.”

Cuomo is also suddenly speaking out against anti-Semitism and says he is founding a group called Progressives for Israel. Is he trying to stage a comeback?

No one has forgotten what Cuomo did to senior citizens during the pandemic or the details of his ousting from office. His common sense position on Trump deserves praise, but I doubt people are interested in a new political chapter for him.

Tags: Andrew Cuomo, Democrats, Donald Trump, New York City