Students and Faculty at U. Florida Already Making Demands of Incoming President Ben Sasse

Sasse hasn’t even started yet and the left is already barking demands. They want him to disavow Ron DeSantis.

FOX News reports:

University of Florida protesters demand new president Ben Sasse disavow DeSantis’ anti-woke ‘attacks’Students and faculty have planned yet another protest as former Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., prepares to take leadership of the University of Florida.UF President-elect Sasse recently won approval from the Board of Trustees to become the school’s next president. He is one of many Republicans and conservatives who are taking up positions in Florida’s academia amid a much larger push against woke politicization of education.The Gainesville Sun, a local Florida newspaper, reported that the incoming college president “will be greeted by protestors Monday afternoon outside the school’s administration building as he officially takes the helm of the top-5 public university.”Protesters will reportedly demand Sasse commit to an agenda with demands such as, “Market equity raises for staff,” “Publicly disavow attacks from Tallahassee on academic and free speech,” and “Maintain pre-existing commitments to inclusivity, equity and diversity.”Sasse was escorted inside a police car for safety when he visited the campus amid protests in the fall.A local organization, UF Graduate Assistants United, tweeted footage of Sasse entering the police vehicle as an onlooker said, “We don’t want you here,” and screaming could be heard. The organization tweeted, “This is what a coward looks like. This will be your life every day if you accept a position here. @BenSasse.”…The UF protesters’ reported demand to “Publicly disavow attacks from Tallahassee on academic and free speech” seems to be aimed at the state’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis.DeSantis on Tuesday unveiled new legislation to cut funding for critical race theory and diversity, equity and inclusion programs in state colleges. This comes after the DeSantis administration requested in late December that all state universities report expenditures and resources used for campus activities that relate to CRT and DEI initiatives.

Tags: Ben Sasse, College Insurrection, Florida