‘Queer Ecologies Panel’ Warns That Parks Can Promote Heterosexual, Capitalist Norms
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‘Queer Ecologies Panel’ Warns That Parks Can Promote Heterosexual, Capitalist Norms

‘Queer Ecologies Panel’ Warns That Parks Can Promote Heterosexual, Capitalist Norms

“gendered, racialized, and organized [by] heterosexual, capitalist norms”

Progressives want college to be free so your children will be exposed to ideas like these.

Campus Reform reports:

‘Queer Ecologies Panel’ calls parks ‘gendered,’ ‘racialized,’ ‘capitalist’

A recent panel featured professors and a DEI officer describing how to apply an LGBTQ-centered approach to ecology to “environmental and conservation work.”

The “Queer Ecologies Panel” is one of the latest instances of woke ideology in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), a phenomenon that Campus Reform has documented in physicsmathstatistics, and other STEM fields.

One panelist said that urban parks, such as Central Park, can be “gendered, racialized, and organized [by] heterosexual, capitalist norms,” according to a recording of the event released by the Forest Stewards Guild on Feb. 2.

The Forest Stewards Guild’s website describes the organization as one that “engages in education, training, policy analysis, research, and advocacy” for “forest conservation and management.”

Panelists included professors Catriona Sandilands of York University and Giovanna Di Chiro of Swarthmore College. The panel also featured a diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI), and justice officer from American Rivers, which addresses “climate change, unnecessary dams, pollution, floods, and outdated policies.”

Sandilands defined queer ecology, saying that it “disrupt[s] heterosexist and cisnormative understandings of sex and nature” and considers “environmental practices and politics from the perspective of LGBTQ2SLQIA individuals.”

Di Chiro added that queer ecology “is about having access to a powerful, critical lens, or a mind-opening framework through which we can better understand our relationships to one another.”


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JackinSilverSpring | February 24, 2023 at 10:25 am

These people are crazy in more ways than one.

    I don’t know which is worse. That these self-important, leftist groups gather themselves in their little “discussion panels” and end up spewing nonsense like:

    queer ecology…“disrupt[s] heterosexist and cisnormative understandings of sex and nature” and considers “environmental practices and politics from the perspective of LGBTQ2SLQIA individuals.”

    or that some people actually take them seriously.

“….saying that it “disrupt[s] heterosexist and cisnormative understandings of sex and nature”

Hetero and cis are the same definition, cos normative is exactly that…97% of the population is hetero, normalcy. When 3% is not, it is out of the general norm.

I also didn’t realize “nature” could be homosexual.

    Milhouse in reply to herm2416. | February 24, 2023 at 12:48 pm

    No, “heretosexist” and “cisnormative” are not at all the same thing. “Heterosexist” means bias against those who are not heterosexual, or not exclusively so. “Cisnormative” means an understanding based on the premise that it is “normal” to be the same gender as your sex, and “abnormal” to be a different gender from your sex. Which, of course, is 100% true. People who are (or at least feel they are) a different gender than their physical equipment would imply are abnormal. They may exist and they may have every right to exist, but they are not normal human beings. If they exist, they’re like people born deaf, or with six fingers on a hand. Fine, but not normal. And that’s even stipulating the trans narrative, which few people really do.

      Kevin in reply to Milhouse. | February 24, 2023 at 5:54 pm

      The point herm2416 seems to make is that “heterosexist” and “cisnormative” are terms that these agitprop groups have invented to try to marginalize the vast majority of humans that aren’t like them. So-called “news” orgs such as the AP put these terms into their style books in order to mainstream them. By going along with their attempt to change any definition to fit their narrative, we fall into the agitator’s trap of each person having their own “truth”. By we, I mean the 97% of people who don’t solely identify themselves by skin color, religious affilitation, or sexual orientation. There is no truth but THE truth, and just because a person feels differently about any subject does not change what the truth is. Facts are facts. The claim that nature and parks are racist and anti-gay is just as stupid as claiming that math is racist because there is only one correct answer. All people have a right to exist, but all people do not have a right to demand people accept a bullshit narrative as if it were holy writ. As herm points out, nature isn’t homosexual. Therefore this group’s whiny diatribe about hetero this and cis that is bullshit where this subject is concerned, because it has no basis in fact.

        herm2416 in reply to Kevin. | February 24, 2023 at 7:57 pm

        Bingo….you stated it way better than I.

        Milhouse in reply to Kevin. | February 26, 2023 at 12:11 am

        Um, no. That is just not true. Neither of these terms marginalizes heterosexuals or cisgender people. Both “heterosexist” and “cisnormative” refer to opinions not personal statuses. “Heterosexist” only marginalizes those who discriminate against those who aren’t exclusively heterosexual. And “Cisnormative” marginalizes only those who insist that it is normal to be cisgendered. Which is pretty much everyone, but not because they themselves happen to be cisgendered. There are plenty of transgendered people who are cisnormative (i.e. they believe that it is normal to be cisgendered, and that they differ from the norm), and even more cisgendered people who are not (i.e. they insist that the relation between sex and gender is completely random, and it is no more normal for them to be the same as for them to be different).

“One panelist said that urban parks, such as Central Park, can be “gendered, racialized, and organized [by] heterosexual, capitalist norms,”
Said no one who has walked there after dark, ever.

The Gentle Grizzly | February 24, 2023 at 12:09 pm

“Bette minds than I concoct this stuff. All this time I thought parks were for people to sit and read, or walk around in fresh air, maybe give bread crumbs to the ducks, rent a little boat, or whatever.

And, today, dodge sucker-punches from those that used to be expelled from the park or arrested.

Plants are notorious biological counter revolutionaries. Like that time warm weather wheat caused a famine in the communist world because it would not obey Lysenkoist browbeating and grow in a cold climate.

And never mind the park sparrows, still flapping their bourgeoisie wings in defiance of Mao,

These freaks are just stringing words together to form nonsense.

Those damn bigoted places.

I, myself, now can’t wait to try this: “It’s not my fault, Officer Krupski. The hedges made me do it.”