Providence (RI) Schools Continue Anti-White New Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program As Investigation Moves To EEOC
Racial discrimination against white teachers in the name of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion permeates the PPSD system.
This is an update to our prior post about the a new teacher loan forgiveness program in the Providence Public School District (PPSD) open only to non-white teachers, Providence (RI) Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program Only Open To Non-Whites Challenged By Legal Insurrection Foundation:
The Providence, Rhode Island, Public School District has a loan forgiveness program for new and recently hired teachers, funded by the Rhode Island Foundation, the largest charity in the state. There’s a catch, however. Whites need not apply, it’s only open to non-whites.
Legal Insurrection Foundation has filed a challenge to this overtly racist and discriminatory program, after a 6-month investigation that included obtaining information from public sources and also from records obtained by LIF pursuant to the Rhode Island Access to Public Records Act.
We filed our Complaint with the Office of Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education, which provides funding to PPSD. We were recently notified by OCR it was making a formal referral of the Complaint to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for investigation. EEOC already has assigned an investigator to the case.
Despite being aware of the Complaint and the EEOC referral, PPSD is undeterred. It continues to promote the racially discriminatory program as part of its hiring events, including one comiing up on February 15, 2023.
Racial discrimination against white teachers in the name of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion permeates the PPSD system. We recently called out a segregated teacher event, and PPSD backed down, Providence (RI) School District Backs Away From Segregated Teacher Event After Legal Insurrection Exposé. We also are aware of another discriminatory teacher-related program at PPSD, and will be taking action about that.
These sort of discriminatory programs are why we are rollling out the Equal Protection Project, which should officially launch soon.
Stay tuned.
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The company I work at actually states on its website that referrals for new employees are worth more money if they are not white. If you work here and refer someone to apply for a job and the company hires that person, you get more if they are from an “oppressed” group. It’s roughly double and it’s a significant amount.
That is legal. Paying the employee more for being nonwhite would not be, but paying the referrer more is. Go figure.
I tried to interest my local bail bonds company into doing the same thing for productive fugitive tips, but they complained that they’d just be paying more for the same clientele.
In my first job out of school, which was more than 40 years ago, the company would pay the recruitment fee (about $5,000 in today’s money) for black people. I told them I was black, but that wasn’t good enough.
Have you checked that they are actually excluding white people? The usual trick with these programs is that they advertise themselves as being open to people of choler, but they’re actually open to everyone else too, they just don’t tell you that. But if a person of pallor brazens it out and applies they reluctantly give it to them so they don’t get in trouble.
That is, if they can’t think of some non-racist excuse to deny them.
Person of Pallor! I love it. Thanks foe the laugh out loud!!
First, Providence school system has been on life support for decades and they serve mostly the minority community. PPSD fails the students with RICAS scores that would have a hard time competing with a 2 year old but expects the same community to plant the seeds of knowledge to get teaching degrees.
Let that sink in.
“Grow your journey with PPSD!”
A bizarrely mixed metaphor from an unfortunately named organization.
Wonder if their teachers privately refer to them as “PTSD?”
A California school district has established a ‘Teacher of Color Circle’ where non-whites get paid to go to segregated meetings.
Pushback: Civil rights complaint filed against California school district for running segregated program
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 declares that “no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” …. like school funding.
“it was making a formal referral of the Complaint to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)”
Well, it’s about [expletive deleted] time!
I have repeatedly posted, for all prima facie sex and race discrimination DEI cases, unambiguous EEOC language:
“Race discrimination involves treating someone (an applicant or employee) unfavorably because he/she is of a certain race or because of personal characteristics associated with race (such as hair texture, skin color, or certain facial features).”
No better feeling that turning their own artillery against them!
The d/prog don’t ever stray very far from their racist, segregationist roots. Treating people differently based on their skin color is not only a foolishly bad idea but generally illegal. The d/prog keep rejecting the ‘memo’ until a CT order intervenes and forces their compliance.
I am a teacher of color. Pay attention, pupils.
Here are the colors of the visible spectrum
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
A veritable rainbow of albinophobia with black and brown equitable and excluded.
Indigo. Sounds like some furrin word. Let’s shadowban it.
–Systemic Crayola.
Actually “indigo” is a made-up color that doesn’t really exist in the rainbow. Newton was one of the most brilliant men who ever lived, but he was also nutty as a baklava. He couldn’t bear to admit that the rainbow has only six colors, because as a devoted numerologist he was convinced that it had to have seven. So he invented a seventh color between blue and violet, just so the number would be right..
Really enjoyed your analogy..many times they make the point more comprehending then a slew of words.
Deny the dignity. Deny thy agency. Deny thy value and you will no longer be human or humane.
DIEversity with albinophobic overtones. A politically congruent construct. An ethical religion. A Rainbow banner paraded with pride and prejudice.
here is a questions I always wanted to ask
Is an albino child of a black couple still black