Prof Claims it’s ‘Racist, Ableist and Classist’ to Not Wear a Face Mask
“an advocate for health equity”

Once again, an anti-racist comes off as awfully racist.
The College Fix reports:
Professor on not wearing a mask in 2023: still ‘racist, ableist and classist’
A professor at the University of British Columbia recently said that even in early 2023, with the COVID-19 pandemic largely behind us, it is still “racist, ableist and classist” to go around without a face mask.
According to True North, Amy Tan (pictured) made the comments on Twitter in response to a user who defended labeling non-maskers as “racist.”
The user tweeted that BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) remain the “worst impacted” by COVID, and that those in Asian countries typically wore masks before COVID was even a thing. She added that white people have no say in what is dubbed “racist,” and that they should “sit down, shut up” and “learn [their] place.”
Tan appears sympathetic to that philosophy; cached versions of her tweets show she believes “everything *is* about race, whether [people] want to admit it/not,” and that COVID policy complaints are connected to racism, misogyny, and white supremacy.
Tan protected her Twitter account on February 22, but her still-visible bio (which includes a sort-of land acknowledgment) notes she left the platform due to being “tired of being harassed.”
Aside from her professorial duties at UBC and the University of Calgary, Tan is “an advocate for health equity” and a consultant on anti-racism. Her research expertise lies in “communication skills, ethical decision-making, culturally-safe and anti-oppressive care with patients and families.”

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Outed herself as a Cultural Marxist, nice to know
This is pure Marxist hogwash
It’s been my observation (in my part of coastal Florida) that the only people clinging to the religious wearing of face masks are solidly middle class, white women and the infirm elderly in company of a middle class, middle-aged, white woman.
The poorer folks, of all ages, stopped wearing masks the minute store security stopped demanding that they put one on or leave the premises.
(to include one obvioulsly ill woman, using her ebt card to buy necessities at Wal-Mart, had her entirely family in tow); other customers, the majority of whom were also unmasked were giving her a wide berth, to be sure.
But what do I know?
No, it’s just ignorant and paranoid.
“Professor on not wearing a mask in 2023: still ‘racist, ableist and classist’”
“white people have no say in what is dubbed “racist,” and that they should “sit down, shut up” and “learn [their] place.”
Yeah, keep on insulting me, and I’m sure eventually I’ll agree with your bullshit.
Perhaps this Professor wouldn’t come across as being so ignorant if she bothered to read the many studies which state masks are ineffective against the spread of illness. Of course, leftists don’t really care about the facts.
“Those in Asian countries typically wore masks before COVID was even a thing. ”
‘Nuff said.
I live in a city that is 48% black. Almost no one wears a mask. This person is out of touch with reality.
Just another maleducated dingbat trying to draw attention to herself.