Pentagon: Second Chinese Spy Balloon Flying Over Latin America
“We now assess it is another Chinese surveillance balloon.”

I guess the Chinese are spying on Latin America, too:
The U.S. government says another Chinese spy balloon is traveling over Latin America.
“We are seeing reports of a balloon transiting Latin America,” Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, a Pentagon spokesperson, told Fox News Friday night. “We now assess it is another Chinese surveillance balloon.”
Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder to me: “We are seeing reports of a balloon transiting Latin America. We now assess it is another Chinese surveillance balloon.”
— Alex Ward (@alexbward) February 4, 2023
China still has one going across America.
China claimed the balloon is a weather balloon but at an earlier press conference, Ryan confirmed it’s a surveillance balloon.

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I wonder how many bases we have down there for them to look at. Let’s see who shoots it down. We should start a pool.
Israel is the only one with the guts. But, for now, no reason.
The we should have our own balloons hovering over China.
That said, couldn’t people use those green lasers to light the balloon up and flare the cameras?
Laser time.
If it crosses the equator, it’s under power.
Filled with leaflets printed with border crossing instructions
Downvoter can’t follow the sCieNCe…
The Biden administration is a disgrace. It has turned the United States into a laughing stock. A decent Sec Def would have been pounding on Biden’s door demanding the authority to shoot down the first balloon when it crossed into Alaska from the Aleutian Islands. Biden, Austin, Blinken, Garland haven’t a thimble full of common sense or courage among them collectively.
China 100% owns Biden. It’s not conspiracy or even speculation at this point. Its confirmed. If China wants Biden to start a nuclear war with Russia to wipe out the west Biden is happy to do it as long as he just keeps getting his 10 percent.
Ever think that is exactly what China want’s to do to see what our air defense capabilities are? Let it wander across the US collecting nothing useful then shoot it down over the ocean where it can be collected and see what it actually is.
Wait….wut?!?…. You ACTUALLY think the US shooting down a balloon would be revealing hi tech and DEFENSE!!!???…and power capabilities…. Shooting…..down….,a…….balloon….

Instead, we have a Sec Def who wasted sweaty days attempting to shoehorn a weather balloon into an intersectionality chart.
“We want information. Information.”
“You’ll get it.”
“By hook or by crook, we… wait, what? Oh! Good to have you on the team, old chap!”
It’s like Biden’s classified documents. One discovery after another.
More seriously, the evidence piles up that Biden is the most corrupt of presidents as China skates yet again, without as much as a peep.
Biden is the most corrupt of presidents—–
—-and the most weak, inept, faltering, failing, mentally and morally deficient person ever to cross the threshold of the Oval Office being largely unable to walk, talk or think for himself.
And a knowing laugh could be heard emanating from Pres. Nixon’s grave….
Speculation the writing on the balloon reads either Epstein didn’t kill himself or Let’s go brandon.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Eric, I Miss You!”
Ha! But he’s now off the committee, so he means less to her than he does to us.
Ok this has progressed from a Chinese “Oops” to intentional in my mind. I’d still discourage anybody from the “Blow it up” camp because that would scatter thousands of pieces over several square miles at that altitude, and the resulting jigsaw puzzle would be terribly difficult to put back together. The long-term goal is to get a good long look at the widget after all. If it doesn’t drop to the ground in the next few days due to leakage (as the map shows), a *very* short burst of 20mm into the balloon would make a much more active leak so it will land one way or another before leaving the southern coast of the US and sinking into the Atlantic. (Once it gets over enough water, I’m positive it would ‘accidentally’ break loose from the balloon and vanish beneath the waves.)
Yah. Being that in terror of balloon debris…might as well just ask China when is it most convenient for them to take over the whole country. As for the “puzzle” I can tell you what that is…China is actively spying on our military installations. Dont k ow why they need the balloon tho. Biden and our universities would give them all the info they want
If China sent 10 balloons at once we would all have to shelter for ten years just like COVID. China certainly has the upper hand over the Biden family.
Make the Chinese sky look like it has broken out with a case of measles. Why don’t we send them some of our own? Is Biden afraid that what the Chinese have on him and Hunter will be the end result?
Another inerrant weather balloon, merely a coincidence. The number will have to get up to 15 or 20 before there’s a suspicious pattern.
China is preparing to go to war and US has no sense of urgency.
yeah, they do seem to be preparing for something. Spying and maybe scouting locations for who knows what.
That is very Concise.
We have plenty of ways of making this look like an accident. Heck, we have the means to abduct this thing right out of the sky sans balloon.
How weak are we that we need to make it look like an accident to not offend a country that wants us destroyed and conquered….seriously?
Since China is claiming the first one accidentally drifted over the US, if I were president I’d have a hole put in it and hold a press conference where I would say we “accidentally popped it,” with a cartoonishly obvious wink to the camera.
But of course we don’t have a smart or witty president.
And apparently there was yet ANOTHER balloon that was crossing from Canada into Montana again… and it blew up. Seriously doubt the drooling dementia patient and his bevy of woke cowards ordered it.
Who owns the Pentagon? Obviously it’s not the U.S.
The same bunch that bought Biden.
So how many surveillance satellites do we have hovering over China right now? Hundreds? Thousands?
Quite a few. And they have satellites over us. There’s a difference between that and sending balloons over another nation’s territory. But maybe you think this really was an accident?
Can you look up in the sky and take a picture of all those surveillance satellites with your phone?
Balloons and satellites are the same thing. We see no difference at all. So China proceeds to the next step. Oh, that’s alright too. And then before you know it…….
Expected to reach St. Louis by tonight and the Carolinas tomorrow.
It’s not just our nuclear missile sites that are being spied on here. From what I understand (and I’m no expert) about our defense against hypersonic missiles, the key is to quickly pinpoint where they are going which requires very advanced telemetry detection capability. It could be that this is test to see if this can be “lit up” revealing where it is and maybe to disable it a split second before attack.
I can’t think of a single reason why we would allow this to happen and now we are talking about 3 balloons. “Our” government sees no need to defend our borders so why should they defend our airspace?
Hello? Washington? Please identify yourselves and tell us who you work for!
Just arrived in North Carolina.
That should be worth at least 12-15 down twinkles.
Shoot it down over the Atlantic? The Atlantic?!??! Little too late to worry about shooting it down if it is over the Atlantic. The balloon(s) will have accomplished their purpose if they end up over the Atlantic.
if the Chinese really wanted to rub it in, they’d cut in that “active guidance” they lied about it not having, and bring it down on the Chinese-owned “GH Energy” property just outside Laughlin AFB.
‘No! No! You getta warrant!“
Trump is all over this already with a plan.
MAGA baby!!!
I bet we have way more spies in China than they have in the U.S.
Are they floating around in balloons over key key Chinese military infrastructure?
Why bet? Jimmy the door to Brandon’s garage and find out.
Apparently the balloon over Montana has been shot down:
Also apparently the balloon was at 60,000′, unquestionably national airspace.
I guess the demented nasty SOB in the White House didn’t want it to reach Delaware.
Yeah, debunked by the people up in Montana.
Maybe we should send a collection of “party” balloons to China. Direct several of them toward their president’s compound. This will give them something to do and will definitely end their balloon tirade. Maybe even include some surprises in some of them.
“Pride” balloons, With rainbows and Chinese unicorns.
Or: “Happy Belated Lunar New Year, From Your US Friends!”
Senator Mitt Romney
A big Chinese balloon in the sky and millions of Chinese TikTok balloons on our phones. Let’s shut them all down.
Has he cleared this with his pal Schiff?
American definition of R&D = research and development
Chinese definition of R&D = ripoff and duplicate
Balloon, made in China, purchased from AliBaba by a CIA agent.
No more talking about Joe and his garage.
So Biden shot it down…AFTER he allowed it to compete its mission…
What a completely corrupt, drooling grifting idiot…the perfect “leader” for all you Biden voters…
Same game plan as covid, ‘ja notice?