Palestinian Terrorist Sentenced to Life for 2019 Rape and Murder of Jewish Teen
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Palestinian Terrorist Sentenced to Life for 2019 Rape and Murder of Jewish Teen

Palestinian Terrorist Sentenced to Life for 2019 Rape and Murder of Jewish Teen

19-year-old Ori Ansbacher “struggled for a long time, screaming before being stabbed several times by the Palestinian.”

An Israeli court sentenced a Palestinian terrorist to life imprisonment and an additional 20 years for the 2019 rape and murder of an Israeli teen near Jerusalem.

Arafat Irfaiya, previously convicted on a terrorism-related charge, entered Israel masquerading as a religious Jew and brutally murdered 19-year-old Ori Ansbacher for simply being Jewish. The terrorist confessed to being out to “kill a Jew” when encountering the girl.

The teenage victim was volunteering at a Jerusalem youth center and walking in the Ein Yael forest outside the Holy City when Irfaiya attacked her. “Ansbacher, who enjoyed writing poetry, had gone to the woods to write. She had been performing National Service at the nearby Yalim Center, a nature therapy center for children and at-risk youth and those with special needs,” the Jewish New Syndicate news agency noted.

The Israeli TV channel i24news reported Sunday’s verdict:

Palestinian terrorist Arafat Irfaiya, who raped and murdered Israeli teen Ori Ansbacher in 2019, was sentenced to life imprisonment with an additional 20 years in prison.

The sentence was announced in the Jerusalem District Court on Sunday, nearly four years after the murder. The verdict had been delayed on several occasions due to the psychiatric evaluation of the terrorist, which had finally determined that he was fit to be tried.

According to the indictment, Ansbacher, 19, who was doing her national service at the “Yael” center for at-risk children and youth in the Ein Yael area of ​​Jerusalem, was in the forest near where she was working when she was attacked by Arfaiah from Hebron. The terrorist was armed with a knife.

The young girl struggled for a long time, screaming before being stabbed several times by the Palestinian. He then covered her mouth with the scarf she wore around her neck, tied her hands with a belt, and then raped her. Before fleeing, he had taken care to remove the memory card from the girl’s phone and throw it under a rock.

According to the details of the investigation, the terrorist had a yarmulke in his pocket which he had bought two weeks before so that he could enter Israel without being apprehended. “I had decided to kill a Jew because of the occupation and because of the treatment of Arabs at checkpoints in Jerusalem,” Arafat Arfaiah told investigators.

Images posted on Twitter appear to show the convicted terrorist smiling during his trial.

According to a transcript of the interrogation posts on Twitter, the terrorist reportedly says: “I made my parents very proud of what I did. (…) I didn’t just rape someone, I murdered a Jewish woman.”

He further adds that “If you ask anyone if they would be happy to kill a Jew… you will see that I have done everything that Arabs dream of doing.” (See the extended transcript below:)

Following Sunday’s sentencing, many in Israel demanded the death penalty for Ansbacher’s murderer and other such convicted Arab terrorists, who are feted as heroes by Palestinians for killing Jews and receive lavish allowances from the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority (PA) for the entire duration of their prison term.

The Jerusalem Post reported:

Calls for a death sentence for terrorists renewed Saturday night following terrorist attacks in Jerusalem that left seven dead and five injured. National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir promised he would push for the death sentence.

According to the Israel-based watchdog Palestinian Media Watch, the PA-run “Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund” gave an estimated $150 million to terrorists and their families in 2020. Generous economic aid provided by the U.S. and other Western countries is also diverted to fund this ‘pay-for-slay’ jihad and terror financing scheme, media reports reveal.


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According to Old Testament

    Skip in reply to Skip. | February 1, 2023 at 4:27 pm

    Arafat should be sentenced to death for destroying one of God’s creations.
    The way I see it

    artichoke in reply to Skip. | February 2, 2023 at 10:44 pm

    life for life. But the Bible does not even contemplate this sort of torture-murder. I have not heard that this was one of the sins of Sodom either.

The sentence should be: “Death, to be executed immediately.”

Take him outside the courtroom and shoot him. End of punishment.

It is long past time to stop recognizing “Palestine” as aegitimate nation. It must end now.

It is long past time that some extra-judicial actions were taken against the Palestinian Authority and those who fund the Pay-For-Slay program. Those vermin need to be killed.

in this case, with a confession and clear evidence of the killer’s act, would hand him over to the victim’s family

Should have done an extremely late term abortion with the scum.

I can’t believe how the vile Dhimmi-crats and their European, Leftist dhimmi counterparts, can justify giving a dime of taxpayer money to the utterly corrupt, self-enriching, spite-filled and supremacist Fatah/Abbas regime, treating it with deference and flattery, when it has done nothing but oppress its own people, kept them mired in poverty and resentment, and, incited terrorism against Israeli Jews.

Let hiim rot in jail for life

The Israeli legal system doesn’t seem to be serious about anything beyond persecuting their political enemies. There should be liberal application of the death penalty for all particularly violent crimes and terrorist acts. Why would anyone want to prolong the lives of these people at the public’s expense, or give them opportunity to commit further crimes when they’re released?

“National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir promised he would push for the death sentence.”
Since independence in 1948, Israel has meted out two death penalties.
One was for an Arab Israeli officer, accused of spying for the enemy, with dubious evidence, who was shot.
Two was Adolf Eichmann.