Democrats and Media Suddenly Care About Decorum and Respect After Biden SOTU Address

Joe Biden’s SOTU address on Tuesday night was a bit raucous at times, when Republicans called out Biden for false claims. The most notable moment was when Biden claimed that Republicans want to ‘sunset’ Social Security and Medicare.Some Republicans booed, while Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene came right out and called Biden a liar. Watch: the address, when liberals weren’t praising Biden, they were denouncing Republicans for showing disrespect and not observing decorum. Many of these people were just thrilled when Nancy Pelosi tore up Trump’s SOTU speech a few years ago, but now they’re all about respect.The reporting at CBS News was a perfect example.Nicholas Fondacaro reports at NewsBusters:

CBS Ignores Dems Heckling Trump, Decry ‘Chaos Entrepreneur’ GOPImmediately following the conclusion of President Biden’s State of the Union address, the commentary cast of CBS News attempted to clutch their pearls into diamonds as they decried heckling of Republicans in the chamber. Ignoring how Democrats routinely used former President Trump’s address to protesthecklemake statements, and tear up his speech, the Biden-friendly network declared Republicans “chaos entrepreneur[s].”“Speaker Kevin McCarthy is trying to present a new image, standing on many occasions but there were a lot of disruptions from the crowd,” huffed CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell.Chief White House correspondent Nancy Cordes framed the heckling as something only Republicans do at these addresses:

Norah, we’ve seen Republican hecklers at states of the union before, but this time the speech or most turned into a call and response at some point. And at least four times the House speaker had to visibly shush members of his party because they were shouting at the president of the United States. They called him a liar, they accused him of causing the fentanyl crisis, and on and on as we went through various issues. So definitely was not what the House speaker was seeking this evening.

See the video below:

CNN’s Jake Tapper also complained:

As did political analyst Larry Sabato:


Rob Reiner, who has spent the last six years shrieking about Trump, was mad at McCarthy:

People on the left think no one remembers anything.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Democrats, Joe Biden, Media, SOTU