Burt Bacharach R.I.P.
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Burt Bacharach R.I.P.

Burt Bacharach R.I.P.

Died earlier this week at age 94: “When you walk, let your heart lead the way”

Burt Bacharach died on February 8, 2023, at age 94. The accolades and memories are rolling in:

From “Walk on By” to “The Look of Love” to “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on My Head” to “The Blob,” Burt Bacharach composed indelible pop songs that became staples of the soundtrack of their eras.

The prolific tunesmith, who died Feb. 8 at age 94, grew to prominence early in his career by penning film scores and hits (with lyricist partner Hal David) for movies such as “Casino Royale,” “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,” “Alfie,” “What’s New Pussycat,” “After the Fox,” “Arthur” and “Night Shift.” And yes, Bacharach and lyricist Mack David (brother of Hal) wrote the late 1950s novelty hit “The Blob,” which stemmed from the 1958 horror comedy that helped propel Steve McQueen to stardom.

For me, Burt Bacharach and Dionne Warwick were joined at the musical hip:

It’s hard to come up with a list of best songs, but Parade has a list that’s a pretty good start, What the World Needs Now Are the 15 Best Burt Bacharach Songs. Here’s a Supercut of his 30 most popular songs.

It’s hard to have just one favorite. But if I had to choose, it would be Alfie:

Rest in peace, Burt.


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Especially sad because it brings to mind that his heyday were better days.

A great talent, but to be fair, when “he” sings “I Say a Little Prayer,” it comes off as a bit creepy. 😉

“And yes, Bacharach and lyricist Mack David (brother of Hal) wrote the late 1950s novelty hit “The Blob…”

Nothing wrong with modest beginnings. I was quite pleasantly astounded to learn last year that the theme song for “Lost in Space” (both versions, actually) were written by none other than Star Wars’ John Williams (or “Johnny Williams,” as he was credited).

I don’t know why people write condolences saying they had their differences

It’s not the time

I simply loved his music

What a talent

Not bad to look at either

I lost a dear friend, mother of a college mate , but I ended up better friends with her than him, this week…

She was 90, large farm, been in the family over 200 years, Ken Burns used some of the families Civil war memorabilia.

I think unfortunately the farm will be sold.

Breaks my heart, I went there many a day and weekend to lick my wounds and be by the animals and the family. They treated me as one of them.

You don’t find many people that let in a stray like they did.

I simply loved her..

my personal favourite of his: “this guy’s in love with you”–though alpert was nowhere near the calibre singer of warwicke, his modest tenor and delivery made the song work

to be called ” a mentor and a giant in the music industry ” from none other than brian wilson is high praise indeed

rest in peace and thanks for the music

Thanks to Burt (and Hal), everybody knows the way to San Jose.

The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra performs BOTH versions of the Lost In Space theme. I always liked version 2.


well the lyracist was tops matching Great words to his tunes. mr david

Hey Angie Dickinson. Hubba. he did well. Seriously Bless his soul