Westminster College has a Class Called ‘How to be a B*tch’

It’s amazing what some people will pay for regarding higher education.

The College Fix reports:

‘How to be a B*tch’ course offered at Westminster CollegeWestminster College students can learn about “How to be a Bitch” this summer thanks to a gender studies course.The course is just one of a handful of race and sex focused courses offered by the Utah college.The class will address questions such as “What does the media teach us about women (or gender) and leadership, aggression and behavior?” and “Why are words like ‘bitch’ and ‘bossy’ so interesting yet problematic?”“Come unpack Bitch and its related adjectives to figure out what you want to embrace and what we wish would go away,” the class description tells potential enrollees.The College Fix emailed the faculty of arts and sciences and the college’s media relations representative this past week and asked what the college hopes students will learn from the class. Neither responded.

Tags: College Insurrection, Feminism, Utah