Rep. George Santos Says He Will Not Serve on House Committees
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Rep. George Santos Says He Will Not Serve on House Committees

Rep. George Santos Says He Will Not Serve on House Committees

“The congressman is reserving his seats on his assigned committees until he has been properly cleared of both campaign and personal financial investigations.”

Rep. George Santos said he would not serve on any House committees. From CNBC:

“The congressman is reserving his seats on his assigned committees until he has been properly cleared of both campaign and personal financial investigations,” said his spokeswoman, Naysa Woomer.

Santos informed Republican lawmakers during a closed-door conference meeting in Washington, D.C., earlier Tuesday that “he’s not accepting the committee assignments until things get cleared up,” according to a longtime GOP lawmaker who was in the room. This person declined to be named to discuss private conversations.

It was not immediately clear whether Santos made the decision of his own accord, or if he was influenced or directed to revoke his committee assignments by other members of his conference. Spokesmen for House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., did not immediately respond to CNBC’s requests for comment.

Santos was appointed earlier this month to posts on the House Science, Space and Technology Committee and the Small Business Committee. The GOP Steering Committee, led by McCarthy, made those assignments over howls of bipartisan criticism against Santos and calls for his resignation.

Santos faces calls to resign, most notably from the Nassau County GOP. Santos refused to step down.

Santos admitted he lied “about his educational background, his work experience and his investments.”


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So he will since everything he says seems to be a lie? I’m so confused.

If Santos was a Democrat he would not be in the news.

    Paula in reply to Paula. | January 31, 2023 at 10:43 am

    Look at Ilmar Omar, unfaithful, disloyal, treasonous American-hating Democrat from Minnesota, net worth 83 million, hates America, hates Americans, has not told the truth since she was 3 years old—but is viewed very favorably by mainstream news media.

    Milhouse in reply to Paula. | January 31, 2023 at 10:56 am

    Not true. He would be in the news. The news industry can’t resist reporting incessantly on this because it brings in the clicks. But, exactly as the Reps are doing, the Dems would want him to stay in the House but keep a low profile.

    The Rep calls for him to resign should not be taken seriously. They don’t want him to do that; they just want to call on him to do it. I were in their position I would also call on him to resign, but not before checking with him and making sure he had no intention of doing such a foolish thing.

    Omar is also often in the news. But she does get favored treatment that someone else, Rep or Dem, would not get: the news industry has avoided reporting the more salacious parts of her story, especially the saga of her fake divorce from her real husband, her fake marriage to her brother, her divorce from her brother and fake remarriage to the man who had really been her husband all along, and then her very real divorce from him and marriage to an infidel.

      artichoke in reply to Milhouse. | January 31, 2023 at 5:36 pm

      and the vote-buying in both her elections, $200 per vote among the Somali community in her district. Some of them hate her, some are conservative Muslims and are appalled, but the vote-buying works well when the person doesn’t understand English or plan to participate in the election, and you hand them $200 for their mail-in ballot — mighty tempting.

So he will since everything he says seems to be a lie? I’m so confused.

I have a feeling George Santos is a bit confused himself.

Apparently, Santos lied on his curriculum vitae.
As for other House members tearing their hair and rending their garments, forgive me for plagiarizing, but let he [or she] without sin cast the first stone.
Free advice to Santos: STFU and just do your job for your constituents.

Morning Sunshine | January 31, 2023 at 10:56 am

My opinion on this congress-clown: nutty as a squirrel. But no worse than anyone else inhabiting the halls of congress.

AOC has lied about her past and childhood
Omar lies about everything and is racist to boot
Romney is a carpetbagger
Kennedy was a murderer

the only thing Santos has done different is he is too stupid to hide his lies for even a few months. As Frank said – shut up and represent the interests of your constituents and they will forgive your stupidity if they like your actions in congress,

Santos just used the Biden playbook to get elected. Minus, the racism and pedophilia though. The DNC should be flattered.

I’ll worry about George when lizard warren resigns along with the other dem senators who lied about their past. Which is the majority of them.

    Martin in reply to 4fun. | January 31, 2023 at 12:42 pm

    I would need her to also resign her ties to Harvard and give at least the amount of her total salary from Harvard to a verified charity for Native American college scholarships.

This faux outrage over Santos is amusing at best. Are we to believe that those most vocal about this, the progressive left, want to retroactively apply a standard which requires politicians to resign or be hounded from office b/c they were less than truthful during the campaign? Nah, this is partisan selective outrage. All politicians are to some degree deceitful. Get over it and vote them out at the next opportunity. Or not, usually that’s the choice voters make.

E Howard Hunt | January 31, 2023 at 2:38 pm

One glance at this freak would suffice to totally alienate a normal person. Those who voted for him deserve him.

Does he have Gretchen Whitmer eyebrows???

The Gentle Grizzly | January 31, 2023 at 4:29 pm

His facial expression in that picture is priceless. No. That is not a gun and the pop filter is not a suppressor.

Good. If he keeps his head down, he can complete this 2-year term (I assume he won’t even bother running in 2024) and vote for the R side on floor votes. That’s the most important function of a congressman anyway: being a vote for our side or for their side.

Especially this term with divided houses, legislation won’t pass so the job is to make sure D legislation doesn’t pass the house.