Nonbinary California Teacher Brags About Helping Students Socially Transition Without Parents Knowing

The new trend seems to be teachers nationwide openly bragging about “helping” students change their gender identity. The scariest part is they are doing this by keeping it a secret from their parents. 

A Bakersfield, California, 9th-grade history teacher named Olivia Garrison brags about protecting students from their parents in the New York Times.

Garrison is a teacher at Del Oro High School: 

The New York Times reported, “Olivia Garrison, a history teacher in Bakersfield, Calif., who is nonbinary… has helped students socially transition at school without their parents’ knowledge.”“My job, which is a public service, is to protect kids… Sometimes, they need protection from their own parents,” Garrison told The Times. She did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The report concerned liberal parents who were outraged about teachers such as Garrison icing them out of their child’s care. The district Garrison works for is also involved in blocking parents from being in the know on social transitions. For example, the California district has a pronoun change request form that students can fill out without their parents knowledge or involvement, according to its website. The district goes on to list Garrison as an adviser at the GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) club. 

Parents are outraged—including the liberal parents:

One of the realities of the controversial policy has even outraged liberal parents like Jessica Bradshaw of Southern California.The mother told the Times that she learned of her 15-year-old’s social transition after reading their preferred name on a worksheet.“There was never any word from anyone to let us know that on paper, and in the classroom, our daughter was our son,” she said.“It felt like a parenting stab in the back from the school system. It should have been a decision we made as a family.”Kern High School District, where Garrison teaches, even boasts a flier on its website that allows students to change their preferred name and gender marker without a parent’s signature.

Tags: California, Education, LGBT