Kevin McCarthy Loses Six Rounds of Voting (Updated)
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Kevin McCarthy Loses Six Rounds of Voting (Updated)

Kevin McCarthy Loses Six Rounds of Voting (Updated)

How many rounds will they go?

End of Six Rounds

Three rounds took place this afternoon. The rounds all ended the same.

UPDATE 3:42 PM: McCarthy loses the sixth round after the fifth vote was cast for Donalds.

UPDATE 3:16 PM: Sixth round starts.

Rep. Kat Cammack nominates…Kevin McCarthy.

Democrats with Jeffries….again.

Rep. Scott Perry nominates…Rep. Byron Donalds.

UPDATE 2:41 PM: Final tally of the fifth round.

UPDATE 2:20 PM: Rep. Spartz explains her present vote.

UPDATE 2:00 PM: McCarthy loses the fifth round after the fifth vote for Donalds was cast.

UPDATE 1:43 PM: The fifth round starts again.

Rep. William Davidson nominates Kevin McCarthy. Rep. Lauren Boebart nominates Rep. Byron Donalds. Democrats nominate Hakeen Jeffries.

UPDATE 1:17 PM: 20 voted for Byron Donalds. Rep. Victoria Spartz voted present.

UPDATE (by WAJ) 12:40 p.m. Eastern — Already there are 8 Republican votes for someone other than McCarthy, so he can’t be elected on this 4th Round. Byron Donalds voted for himself.


You need 218 votes to become Speaker of the House. Rep. Kevin McCarthy failed on Tuesday, with 19 to 20 Republicans defecting to Rep. Jim Jordan.

The 212 Democrats united behind election denier Rep. Hakeem Jeffries.

Round four starts at 12 PM ET. However! The House could adjourn at that time to give more time for negotiations:

House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy has dispatched several emissaries to help find a deal with his foes and present their demands to the rest of the House GOP Conference.

It’s possible that the House may adjourn at noon to allow the talks to continue for the rest of the day, according to a GOP source familiar with the matter. That decision has not been made yet. But McCarthy cannot afford to lose more Republican votes on the fourth ballot, something his allies fear will sink his bid.

Rep. Patrick McHenry, a McCarthy emissary, foreshadowed this last night when he told CNN that more time may be needed.

There needs to be “a clear understanding” about what the offers were made going into Tuesday, McHenry said, adding that “we have to have a wider group of members understand what the tradeoffs are, what they look like, and the opportunity for the conference to come to terms with getting the 20 on board.”

“So this is a this is a longer process of negotiation than just a narrow group, talking to a person,” he said.

The House will continue to be paralyzed until the standoff is resolved.


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According to Manu Raju, they do not have the votes to adjourn so McCarthy must face dereat again

Glimmer of hope. You don’t see D’s putting “moderates” in their leadership positions…. If we keep doing things the same, we shouldn’t expect different results.

Here we go again. McHenry’s comments brought out another angle to McCarthy’s problem: If he starts to cede ground to the opposition, could that cause him to lose votes from the “moderate” faction of the caucus?

“The House will continue to be paralyzed until the standoff is resolved”

I like the sound of that. Better yet, adjourn and go home.

2smartforlibs | January 4, 2023 at 12:28 pm

If McCarthy wasn’t just out for himself he would step down.

It the Democrats would prefer McCarthy over a more conservative Speaker, some of them will have to change their vote and get him elected.

not even 1/3 through the fourth round McCarthy will not win

2smartforlibs | January 4, 2023 at 12:47 pm

Do the math. McCarthy needs to step back he has no path to win.

Why would the d/prog or the 20 current r members opposed to McCarthy vote to adjourn instead of holding the vote? Both groups probably like the idea of McCarthy twisting in the wind and being treated like a pinata.

IMO, this episode shows exactly why McCarthy shouldn’t become Speaker. He had several months to whip the votes and broker the deals necessary to achieve a fist ballot victory. Instead he seems to have ignored the real demands over meaningful changes, primarily on the rules committee composition, to ensure he couldn’t backslide. Instead he was measuring the windows in the Speakers office for drapes before securing election; McCarthy’s priorities were/are badly skewed, don’t hold the celebration nor try on the trappings of office until you win.

Kevin McCarthy ‘The Fighting Moderate’.

The Gentle Grizzly | January 4, 2023 at 1:02 pm

Kevin. Take the hint!

This headline gave me my laugh for the day.

So, McCarthy loses one more vote. Meanwhile, Fox’s camera is focused on Rep Donalds being strong-armed by a Rep I don’t know by sight.

I can’t help but wonder if McCarthy fought for populist Republicans the same way he fights for the speakership he would already be Speaker.

    gonzotx in reply to thad_the_man. | January 4, 2023 at 1:31 pm

    He wasn’t expecting this strong of a push back,

    Did he withhold moneys like McConnell of republicans, especially MAGA?

    He never fought like a war consigliere against the Democrats, he should have been out everywhere, everyday screaming at the top of his lungs against the radical issues, the boarders, fiscal criminality

    He’s useless and I’m disappointed that President Trump STILL backs him

      Danny in reply to gonzotx. | January 4, 2023 at 2:12 pm

      The punchline is that McConnell was the main bankroller of Trump’s candidates; for example J.D. Vance was mainly funded by Mitch McConnell’s pac.

      Could you stop making harmful myths?

      By the way what money are you suggesting McCarthy withheld?

        gonzotx in reply to Danny. | January 4, 2023 at 3:16 pm

        That’s just simply untrue,

          MarkSmith in reply to gonzotx. | January 4, 2023 at 6:46 pm

          Thiel has poured at least $13.5 million into Protect Ohio Values, a pro-Vance super PAC almost entirely funded by the inventor or groups tied to Thiel. He donated $10 million to Protect Ohio Values in March 2021, and Per Aspera Policy, a “dark money” group tied to Thiel, also donated $200,000 earlier this year. Thiel made headlines this week with an additional $3.5 million donation after Trump endorsed Vance

          Yea, Mitch gave him 5 K. Ok.

          J D Vance (R)
          Contributor Total
          Chemed Corp $27,100
          John Stock & Assoc $23,600
          Kaivac Inc $20,145
          Energy Transfer LP $19,446
          Kirkland & Ellis $18,950
          Blackstone Group $17,105
          Baker & Hostetler $16,920
          Vitol SA $16,200
          Netherland Rubber $15,000
          Trihealth Inc $14,565
          Hunt Companies $14,500
          Walter Oil & Gas $14,108
          JPMorgan Chase & Co $13,690
          Benson Mineral Group $13,600
          Townsend Corp $13,000
          West Ohio Dermatology $11,725
          Wampold Companies $11,600
          Valmore Gp $11,600
          Bobby Cox Companies $11,600
          Duchossois Group $11,600

          Mitch’s BlueGrass Pac
          John Boozman (R-Ark) $10,000
          Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) $10,000
          John Hoeven (R-ND) $10,000
          Ron Johnson (R-Wis) $10,000
          John Kennedy (R-La) $10,000
          James Lankford (R-Okla) $10,000
          Adam Laxalt (R-Nev) $10,000
          Blake Masters (R-Ariz) $10,000
          Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla) $10,000
          Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) $10,000
          Joe O’Dea (R-Colo) $10,000
          Rand Paul (R-Ky) $10,000
          Tim Scott (R-SC) $10,000
          John Thune (R-SD) $10,000
          Herschel Walker (R-Ga) $10,000
          Todd Young (R-Ind) $10,000
          Katie Britt (R-Ala) $5,000
          Ted Budd (R-NC) $5,000
          Richard Burr (R-NC) $5,000
          Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) $5,000
          Mike Lee (R-Utah) $5,000
          Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo) $5,000
          Jerry Moran (R-Kan) $5,000
          Christina Nolan (R-Vt) $5,000
          Marco Rubio (R-Fla) $5,000
          Tiffany Smiley (R-Wash) $5,000
          J D Vance (R-Ohio) $5,000

Who knows this Representative from Florida Black congressman, Trump endorsed
Got all 20 votes for Speaker

    CommoChief in reply to gonzotx. | January 4, 2023 at 7:54 pm

    Freshman last Congress. Seems pretty based to me. Sparing with usual suspects list of d/prog who get the vapers when he calls them captive to the plantation. He is a placeholder for the opposition but is putting himself at risk of damage by the establishment for doing so.

I can’t help but notice that one name keeps popping up – Scalise – but sort of behind the hand. Could be nobody wants to actually throw his name into the nominating pot until such time as both sides admit that they’re not going to budge and start looking for a Ryan.

Thing I wonder is, how long did the Omnibus bill fund the government for? I was thinking it was summer or something nuts like that.

In that context, I’m not sure what we gain by having any speaker of the house before then? It’s not like the government is going to shut down, and its not like they’ll pass anything we’d really want to see put into law, is it?

At this point, I don’t think he has any leverage to force this to a close, and with Crenshaw’s threats, I think they chucked all the carrots too.

    buck61 in reply to Voyager. | January 4, 2023 at 2:25 pm

    The omnibus bill lass until the end of the budget year which is the end of September, the next big issue they face is raising the debt ceiling. It is being reported as early 2023, but there is no projected date at this time.

Apprently McCarthy wants to win in the worst possible way. He is now negotiating with Democrats.

Victoria Spartz, a past McCarthy supporter who voted ‘present’ on the fourth ballot, told us she did so because she wanted to allow for more negotiations within the conference to address the concerns of the 20 members. She gave McCarthy a headsup ahead of time (Twitter)

The Gentle Grizzly | January 4, 2023 at 2:09 pm

Hakeem Jeffries? At least there’d be some comedic value.

Paralysis sounds awesome in this case. If the corrupt pieces of garbage can’t seat a speaker then they can’t vote to waste more money we don’t have and they can’t vote to further destroy the freedoms we still have left.

    Olinser in reply to Ironclaw. | January 4, 2023 at 2:28 pm

    Sounds great to me.

    McCarthy is refusing to do anything meaningful we want anyway, and if the House is paralyzed the RINOs can’t sell us out for whatever crap the Democrats pass out of the Senate.

    I’ll take 130 more votes, thanks. We can totally beat that 1856 record of 133 votes over 2 months!

McCarthy does not have the votes/ He will not get the votes because those voting against him know that if he wins they have placed their heads on the chopping block.

So McCarthy’s ‘plan’ was apparently…. show up and hope they suddenly changed their minds?

Seriously what kind of moron is he.

This isn’t a shock, he isn’t being betrayed by promised supporters, he KNEW going into this that he didn’t have the votes, and he just moronically decided that they didn’t REALLY mean it and they’d just vote for him without having to give anything up.

Its precisely this kind of stupid, WEAK ‘leadership’ that demonstrates McCarthy is unsuited to be Speaker.

This is not complicated stuff here. There are precisely THREE very simple options on the table:

1) You give the holdouts what they want and get their votes
2) You negotiate with Democrats to be Speaker for 2 years and then never hold a position of political authority ever again
3) Somebody else wins, either through McCarthy stepping down or the GOPe finally telling him to sit down and shut up and nominating somebody else.

    thad_the_man in reply to Olinser. | January 4, 2023 at 3:01 pm

    The problem is that they do not trust McCarthy to keep his promises.

      Olinser in reply to thad_the_man. | January 4, 2023 at 3:18 pm

      That would certainly be an issue – but McCarthy isn’t even willing to MAKE the promises in the first place!

      This whole saga just confirms that McCarthy is a piss-poor political leader and negotiator and is absolutely NOT the right person to lead a House with a razor-thin margin.

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

It’s good to me a fight for Speaker, Democrats all cave to jump into line behind there leader.

Perhaps there is someone they can nominate from the outside to be speaker? Though it would be hard to say who would be agreeable to everyone.

I say bing in Devin Nunes.

Let not forget him stomping his feet on the Jan. 6th committee.

Blow it up. Nominate AOC for it. Really mess with their minds. Or maybe Nancy. That would be fun and send a message to Kevin.

If the Rs want to expand their appeal, this does the opposite.

Subotai Bahadur | January 4, 2023 at 9:45 pm

OK, we have a deadlock. Thad_the-Man has part of it.

1) McCarthy becomes speaker because the opposition gives up.
2) McCarthy becomes speaker because he openly cuts a deal with the Democrats.
3) McCarthy does not become speaker because the Nomenklatura makes him stand down and someone else becomes speaker with theirs and the Democrats’ approval. I do not rule out that the GOPe comes up with a deal to install a Democrat as speaker.

So what happens? We have to remember that none of this would be happening if it was against the will of the Nomenklatura. What will they do in any of these cases?

You have to realize the level of contempt the GOPe has for country, Constitution, and their own voters. If case one occurs, both McCarthy and the Nomenklatura will devote their main efforts at revenge against anyone who did not vote for McCarthy from the first vote. Their collaboration with the Democrats will be secondary but very much there. Functionally, all those who did not vote for McCarthy [and maybe whoever “stops clapping first”] will be purged and functionally not be part of the Republican Party. Which functionally gives the Democrats a majority which pleases the GOPe.

If case 2 takes place, they cannot even pretend that the Republicans are an opposition to the Democrats in any way. The revenge and purges will take place as listed, and those purged will, if they have half a lick of sense, be organizing for some very unpleasant times that will not be electoral.

If case 3 comes to pass, once again revenge will be the prime motivator for the Nomenklatura.

This series of votes, and whoever is installed, means that the fake two-party system is gone, Since elections are fraudulent anyway, there is now and will not be consent of the governed anymore. And everybody’s dance card is full. Game playing is about over.

Subotai Bahadur