FDA Allowing Pharmacies to Dispense Abortion Pill

The FDA will allow retail pharmacies to sell abortion pills over the counter if they agree to certain rules.

From The New York Times:

Until now, mifepristone — the first pill used in the two-drug medication abortion regimen — could be dispensed only by a few mail-order pharmacies or by specially certified doctors or clinics. Under the new F.D.A. rules, patients will still need a prescription from a certified health care provider, but any pharmacy that agrees to accept those prescriptions and abide by certain other criteria can dispense the pills in its stores and by mail order.The change comes as abortion pills, already used in more than half of pregnancy terminations in the U.S., are becoming even more sought after in the aftermath of last year’s Supreme Court decision overturning the federal right to abortion. With conservative states banning or sharply restricting abortion, the pills have increasingly become the focus of political and legal battles, which may influence a pharmacy’s decision about whether or not to dispense the medication.

The FDA listed the rules:

The FDA authorizes people to take mifepristone during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. Some people give it to females up to 12 or 13 weeks.

The pharmacies have to comply with states’ laws, too. That could affect availability in some states like Texas and Oklahoma.

A Tennessee law requires a female to have a physician with her “when abortion medication is administered.”

Indiana doesn’t allow chemical abortions after 10 weeks.

Texas doesn’t allow chemical abortions after seven weeks.

The FDA has never restricted misoprostol, the second drug in the cycle, “as tightly” as mifepristone. Doctors use misoprostol for other medical conditions.

Tags: Abortion, FDA