Connecticut Egg Farm Fire Kills at Least 100,000 Chickens
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Connecticut Egg Farm Fire Kills at Least 100,000 Chickens

Connecticut Egg Farm Fire Kills at Least 100,000 Chickens

Because eggs aren’t expensive enough.

A huge fire at a Connecticut egg farm in Bozrah killed 100,000 chickens. Authorities opened an investigation:

John Way, a safety officer for the Bozrah Volunteer Fire Co., said the building that caught fire was large — about 300 to 400 feet long and two stories high — and housed an unknown number of chickens.

Way said Sunday that he could not confirm local media reports citing The Salvation Army that around 100,000 chickens were killed.

No one answered the phone at the farm Sunday. Representatives at Hillandale Farms did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

On its website, Hillandale Farms bills itself as one of the country’s top egg producers, raising over 20 million chickens for eggs. It has corporate offices in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

Sixteen fire departments around Baozrah helped put out the fire. The Salvation Army provided food and drinks for the first responders.

This is the third egg farm fire since May.


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Lucky there are many baskets.

This is an eggtastrophe.

Yay. BBQ!

    The chickens in a commercial egg laying operation are so full of antibiotics and other stuff they are labeled as hazardous waste when they die by the FDA and must be incinerated. Not suitable for consumption.

I bet that fire smelled great

    Dathurtz in reply to scaulen. | January 30, 2023 at 11:54 am

    Never been in a chicken house?

      I wonder if all the rats got cooked too

      scaulen in reply to Dathurtz. | January 30, 2023 at 1:58 pm

      No, but I have visited some henhouses. We might be talking about different things at this point though.

      FrankJNatoli in reply to Dathurtz. | January 30, 2023 at 5:06 pm

      “Never been in a chicken house?”
      In 1956, when I was 4, my mother took me and my infant brother to visit her parents in rural northeast Belgium.
      Her home never had running water, and she remembered when, as a child, electricity was installed.
      I recall, a few hundred yards from her home, a chicken coup, and the stench, from as far away as the street, was revolting beyond description.
      Decades later, I revisited the town, and although everything had changed, when I passed where the chicken coup had been, I began to cringe.
      Similarly, where I grew up in Brooklyn, there was a “fresh” chicken store, as in they strangled and plucked the chicken for you.
      Again, decades later, walking down 13th Avenue, when I got near the corner where the chicken store had been, now a carpet store, I began to cringe.
      Not many things on the planet that smell worse.

        healthguyfsu in reply to FrankJNatoli. | February 1, 2023 at 2:34 am

        Sounds like a poorly run coop.

        My uncle was a turkey farmer before his death. There was only a moderate bird smell that you could easily get used to.

        Sonnys Mom in reply to FrankJNatoli. | February 1, 2023 at 7:02 am

        That smell you remember comes from the old-fashioned practice of not cleaning out the dirty bedding and replacing with clean bedding.

That’s a lot of chickens, but it’s 0.5 percent of 20 million.

Don’t count your chickens before they are roasted.

How apropos. Bozrah is a podunk town chock-full of yokels.

“This is the third egg farm fire since May.”
And the arson investigation into the first two fires concluded what?

    E Howard Hunt in reply to FrankJNatoli. | January 30, 2023 at 11:55 am

    That each was a poaching gone wrong.

      FrankJNatoli in reply to E Howard Hunt. | January 30, 2023 at 12:25 pm

      That’s not my guess.
      The animal rights maniacs released tens of thousands of minks a few months ago, only for most of them to be killed in the wild.
      This smells like more animal rights mania, chickens better dead than laying eggs for evil humanity.

        Looks like two animal rights maniacs didn’t like that comment. I’ll balance that.

        bullhubbard in reply to FrankJNatoli. | January 31, 2023 at 10:00 am

        I doubt animal rights activists would burn chickens alive. My guess is that if it’s arson, this is an insurance scam. Who wants to get stuck with a few thousand chickens with avian flu? In any case, it means paying out the nose for eggs indefinitely, at least on the east coast or as far as these people distributed their eggs.

    Sonnys Mom in reply to FrankJNatoli. | February 1, 2023 at 7:06 am

    Epoch Times has a documentary film reporting on the many suspicious fires that have occurred at food processing plants. (Haven’t seen it yet.)

Antifundamentalist | January 30, 2023 at 12:16 pm

There have been an inordinae amount of industrial fires & other catastrophes in the past year. But not much of it is being reported on a national level.

Hmmm… another coincidence.

forgot to save tje link I saw other day about a feed issue combusting somehow in few places.

All these jokes and 100,00 chickens murdered, horribly ….

Nice..true colors

“Gallish Lightning.”

Last time we had an egg farm fire here in Maricopa County, rumor is that it killed at least 100,000 ballots.

Was it an accidental fire? Sure, in the same way that the mostly peaceful riots were mostly peaceful.

angrywebmaster | January 30, 2023 at 6:20 pm

Chicken BBQ tomorrow in Connecticut!

Chicken feed.

I lived a half mile from an egg farm that lost 300,000 birds to a massive fire, oddly one day short of exactly 9 years ago. The fire took down one of eight “barns” (actually, huge metal structures, three stories tall, about 1.5 football fields long). All those birds were in that single structure.

And yes, the smell was mouth watering.

Poor reporting. No mention of what the Salvation Army had on the menu for the firefighters!
Roast chicken or fried chicken?
Fired eggs?
It was Sunday, so no Chick-fil-A!

US weeps for 100,000 chicken eggs.

Who weeps more for the 100,000 Uiygur slaves, and the 100,000 coronavirus deaths? Joe? Xi?