Chair of California’s Reparations Task Force Says Black People are Really Owed $1 Million Each

LI-40 Kamilah Moore

A few weeks ago, I reported that a nine-member California Reparations Task Force has estimated that black state residents could receive more than $223,000 each in reparations for the enduring economic effects of racism and slavery.

To put that amount in perspective, it has been estimated that it would cost around $569 billion to compensate the 2.5 million black Californians. That total is more than California’s $512.8billion expenditure in 2021 – which included funding for schools, hospitals, universities, and other civilization-essential services.

Now, the chair of California’s Reparations Task Force has said that black people are really owed $1 million each for “harms.”

Speaking with the Rev. Al Sharpton on MSNBC, Kamilah Moore said her task force found that California’s redlining housing practices targeting black Americans between 1933 and 1977 has had a direct effect on today’s homeless community.Dubbing housing discrimination as one of the ‘five state sanction atrocities’ against black people, the panel initially recommended to California lawmakers that the state pay up $223,200 to each black resident.Moore previously said economists on the panel estimated that black Californians descended from slaves were owed $1 million per person in reparations.. . . . Prior to the task force’s first public meeting last month, Moore discussed the group’s work with economists on how to put a value on the ‘atrocities’ that impacted the black community.’They came up with $127,000 per year of the life expectancy gap between Black and white Californians,’ Moore said during a panel at Harvard. ‘That comes to just under $1 million for each Black Californian descended from slaves.’Moore noted that ‘California can’t pay all that,’ so the task force will be spending the next six months hammering out an adequate value and payment method to recommend to state lawmakers.’

So, I guess the $223,000 each is a compromise we should be grateful for.

This announcement comes after a black activist warned the state to comply with reparation payments to avoid ‘serious backlash.’

Deon Jenkins told the first meeting of the Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans that money given to black people in the California should be in-line with the average price of a home in the state, around $800,000.Following that appearance at the public hearing in Oakland’s City Hall on Wednesday, Jenkins, who refers to himself as a ‘hip hop organizer’ said in an interview: ‘Either they’re going to comply or it’s going to be a serious backlash.’

Others say the money is not enough . . . and it should be tax free.

Rev. Tony Pierce of the Black Wall Street Project who shouted as his time for speaking ran out: ‘$230,000 is not enough!’Another speaker, Carol Williams, who said that she lived through homelessness since moving to the state in 1985 from Memphis, stated her belief that all reparations should be tax free.She said: ‘I consider myself a foundational black American. The reparations should be tax free, so that when we get the money the IRS won’t come after us.

This response sums up how many feel about the proposal.

Tags: California, Progressive or Parody?, Reparations