Biden Proves He Knows Nothing About the Border or Immigration in a Rambling Speech

President Joe Biden proves he knows nothing about border security in a bizarre speech to confirm his visit to the border on Sunday.

The speech is a typical Biden speech. He doesn’t know what CBP stands for, called Vice President Kamala Harris “President Harris,” thought you could replace Title 42 with Title 8, and said 20,000lbs of fentanyl could only kill 1,000 people.

Biden also sounds sick.

Biden doesn’t even know anything about immigration because he thinks the government can replace Title 42 with Title 8 and 9:

BIDEN: “Title 42 is going to go a way before the end of the year in terms of Supreme Court — my prediction — and then we’re going to have to use Title 9 — Title, uh, 8. 8, right? Am I right? Yeah, Title 8. 8, 9.” (Laughter)

Um, how does a career politician not know Title 8? I snorted when he said Title 9.

Title 42 makes the border worse:

BIDEN: “People turned away under Title 42. And there are not — and they’re not barred from trying to come back. They’ve been turned away. They go back. They try again to try again. Well, you know, they can and they do try to re-enter the United States again and again, which makes the problem that borders — at the border even worse.”

Instead, Biden told people from Cuba, Haiti, and Nicaragua not to show up at the border. The administration decided to expand “a humanitarian program for Venezuelans” to include people from those countries:

Biden announced an expansion of a humanitarian parole program for Venezuelan nationals to include Haitians, Cubans and Nicaraguans. That program will allow 30,000 individuals a month from all four countries to be paroled into the U.S. for a two-year period as long as they have a financial sponsor and pass other conditions. Those who attempt to enter illegally are made ineligible for the program.”We anticipate this action is going to substantially reduce the number of people attempting to cross our southwest border without going through a legal process,” he said.That expanded program will be combined with an expansion of Title 42 expulsions to include those nationalities, allowing up to 30,000 of those who enter the U.S. illegally each month to be quickly returned to Mexico. Additionally, the administration announced an increased use of an alternative removal authority — expedited removal — to remove those who do not claim asylum and who cannot be expelled under Title 42.

Apparently, there is an app people can use to seek asylum in America? Does it come pre-installed on the phones they gave to people last year? Weird:

BIDEN: “Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas will detail these actions very shortly after I finish at Homeland Security. But here’s one significant step we’re taking. Over the summer we saw a huge spike in the number of Venezuelans traveling through — through Mexico and attempting to enter the United States without going through our legal processes. There is — we respond to by using and ensuring that there are two safe and lawful ways for someone leaving the country to come to America. That was one of the reasons you — you were proposing. First. If they’re seeking asylum, they can use an app on their cell phone called CBP One — O-N-E. CBP One — O-N-E.”

Biden calls Kamala “President Harris” for what seems the millionth time:

BIDEN: “I’m not being facetious. Well, President Harris led this effort — led this effort to make things better —”

He’s also so proud of his border czar:

BIDEN: “And the thing that I’m so I presume to say proud of — proud of the vice president. She went beyond the United States and contributors.”

Then Biden compares to the migrants’ journey to Jews fleeing Germany:

REPORTER: “Mr. President do you believe that migration is a human right? Activists say that it is, what’s your take?”BIDEN: “Well, I think it is a human right if your family’s being persecuted, if you’re being dealt with in a way, I mean, like it was a human right for, you know, Jews in Germany to be able to go and escape and get help where they could.”

The lax border has caused a huge influx of fentanyl. Biden appeared to downplay it.

Here is the whole video.

Tags: Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, Kamala Harris