U. Cincinnati Young Democratic Socialists Demand School Provide Free Laundry
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U. Cincinnati Young Democratic Socialists Demand School Provide Free Laundry

U. Cincinnati Young Democratic Socialists Demand School Provide Free Laundry

“Clean clothes are a necessity for all, regardless of financial status.”

Why don’t these students just come out and admit that they’re entitled and lazy?

Campus Reform reports:

Students demand university provide free laundry

The Young Democratic Socialists of America chapter at the University of Cincinnati (UC) hosted a tabling event on Nov. 17 with the school’s Student for Justice in Palestine and Generation Action chapters to fight for “free laundry services to all full and part-time university students.”

The tabling effort called “Knittin Mittens for Free Laundry” took place outside the Tangeman University Center.

An announcement about the effort was made to their instagram page that said “Free Laundry is a right that all students have. And we’re trying to secure it for students at UC.”

To attract support, the students distributed free hot chocolate and condoms while tabling, as seen in a video posted to Twitter.

The petition has garnered over 1200 signatures and it is growing to reach its goal of 1600.

On the campaign page the chapter advocates for free laundry because “Access to hygiene resources plays a critical role in students’ mental, physical, and professional wellbeing” and that “[l]ack of access to these resources can place serious strain on low-income students.”

The cost of laundry, according to the University website, is $1.75 for a wash and $1.50 per dry. However, for students with a Bearcat Card, those prices are discounted to $1.50 and $1.10.

“Clean clothes are a necessity for all, regardless of financial status. We, the undersigned, request that the University of Cincinnati unconditionally provide free laundry services to all full and part-time university students,” the petition concludes.


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The Gentle Grizzly | December 1, 2022 at 10:07 am

Dear students:


-s- Dean T G Grizzly

Free laundry is a right all students should have, followed closely by the right of all students to be stupid, whiny and demanding

God forbid they have to use funds in their discretionary microbrew fund. In Portland they provide free laundry for the feral humans so that it doesn’t impact their discretionary meth money. But if you ask them, they see it as caring and absolutely not as enabling.

The Gentle Grizzly | December 1, 2022 at 3:29 pm

Put PLENTY of starch in their shorts.


Given that they’re Young Democratic Socialists and college students, I’m not too confident in their commitment to keeping themselves clean much less their clothes. According to the University website, they can do a load of laundry for less that the cost of a designer cup of coffee. Apparently, no one ever taught these skulls full of much to prioritize their spending.

The school administration should advise the 78 total members of the organization (representing less than 0.2% of the total student body) to buy more cardboard cutouts of Bernie Sanders and maybe one of AOC to take their pictures with to post on their CampusLink webpage.


“To attract support, the students distributed free hot chocolate and condoms while tabling, as seen in a video posted to Twitter.”

Do they unwrap the condoms before they put them in the hot chocolate?

Inquiring minds want to know…..

they should of handed out free tide pods instead