#TwitterFiles Part Six: “Twitter’s contact with the FBI was constant and pervasive, as if it were a subsidiary”

The Twitter Files may well be the biggest test of the idea that sunlight is a disinfectant.

As we’ve seen so far, the leftist ideologues at Old Twitter were ruthless in their targeting of accounts that didn’t toe their ideological line. Wrong think was not only discouraged but actively suppressed.

Left-wing journalist Matt Taibbi has released the latest installment of the #TwitterFiles, and these reveal the direct involvement in censorship of and, arguably, interference with an election, by a thoroughly corrupt and politicized FBI.

Below are some of the more astounding revelations, but read the entire thread here (archive link).

This release of the Twitter Files definitively shows the federal government’s involvement in conspiring in the, arguably, unconstitutional silencing of Americans on social media platforms. Executive branch involvement raises the Constitutional flag.

Ultimately, always remember: in the world the radical left is creating, there are no God-given rights, no God exists. No family. No nation. The new “god” is the central government that functions as both divinity and family. We’ve seen it all before, of course, and we dismissed this worldview as obsolete, but it’s here now.

How corrupt and dangerous is the FBI? Shockingly, horrifyingly so.

The corruption in the FBI’s plot to attack normal Americans and bolster all who seek to destroy our country and its people runs deep.


Weekly meetings between the Twitter PTB and the Biden executive branch? That’s not good.

Ultimately, the core findings here are damning in that the federal government not only pressured Twitter but was in an active—at least weekly—campaign to control Americans’ access to truthful information.

The very (and basic) definition of fascism is the government controlling supposedly private entities to enact the ruling party’s will.

FBI scrutiny of Twitter accounts was so outlandish that even Old Twitter employees were baffled.

This cannot stand.

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, FBI, Twitterfiles