Scientist With Ties to Wuhan Lab Claims Covid was Genetically Engineered, Leaked From Lab

Should the full and honest recounting of the covid pandemic ever occur, great credit must be given to the British press.

Back in early 2020, it was the UK’s Daily Mail that had published one of the earliest articles that tied the spread of the novel coronavirus to research on bats occurring at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Now The Sun, another UK publication, has an exclusive story from a scientist who worked with the Chinese institute. He claims that not only did covid leak from one of its labs, but it is also genetically engineered.

Dr Andrew Huff, former vice president of EcoHealth Alliance, claims to have had a ringside seat to what he brands one of the greatest cover-ups in history – and the “biggest US intelligence failure since 9/11″….In his new book – The Truth About Wuhan – whistleblower Dr Huff claims the pandemic was the result of the US government’s funding of dangerous genetic engineering of coronaviruses in China.The epidemiologist said China’s gain-of-function experiments – carried out with shoddy biosecurity – led to a lab leak at the US-funded Wuhan Institute of Virology.”EcoHealth Alliance and foreign laboratories did not have the adequate control measures in place for ensuring proper biosafety, biosecurity, and risk management, ultimately resulting in the lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” he said in his book, an exclusive pre-release copy of which was provided to The Sun Online.

Huff’s claims align with articles we have covered in Legal Insurrection, especially EcoHealth Alliance and its research activities in Wuhan. I have also reported on the virus’ unique feature, called the furin cleavage site, found in the coronavirus that is indicative of the genetic modification of another virus.

Huff also asserts that the pandemic resulted from the US government funding of the gain-of-function (GOF) research in China.

Speaking to The Sun, Huff said that ‘the US government is to blame for the transfer of dangerous biotechnology to the Chinese.’He points to China’s GOF experiments, which he believes were carried out within relaxed biosecurity environments which led to a lab leak at the US-funded Wuhan Institute of Virology….The army veteran, from Michigan, said the organization taught the Wuhan lab the ‘best existing methods to engineer bat coronaviruses to attack other species’ for many years.’China knew from day one that this was a genetically engineered agent,’ he said.’I was terrified by what I saw. We were just handing them bioweapon technology.’

The past two years were quite eye-opening for Huff.

In more explosive claims, Dr Huff added: “Nobody should be surprised that the Chinese lied about the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 and then went to extraordinary lengths to make it appear as if the disease naturally emerged.”The shocking part of all of this is how the United States government lied to all of us.”

One has to ask if this was really an “intelligence failure” or rather an “intelligence-directed cover-up”. Given all that we are now learning about how our politicians, bureaucrats, and security agencies manipulating Twitter, my money is on the second option.

Given how much the American media promoted the natural origin theory, attacked those who offered reasonable and alternative opinions, and accused those who insisted China was hiding facts of “racism,” I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the British journalists who reported news rather than narrative.

Tags: Britain, China, Wuhan Coronavirus