Planned Parenthood-Affiliated Group Promotes Abortion at Oakland U.

The overturning of Roe last summer has given campus activists new purpose.

Campus Reform reports:

Planned Parenthood-affiliated organization pushes abortion at Oakland University“Grizzlies for Choice,” a Planned Parenthood Generation Action (PPGA) chapter at Oakland University, has been pushing their pro-abortion agenda at the university through a variety of events and initiatives, the most recent of which was a meeting titled “abortion rights in legislature.”PPGA is “a network of young activists across the country who organize events on their campuses and in their communities,” according to their website.They seek to “mobilize advocates for reproductive freedom” and “raise public awareness about reproductive health and rights.”The main topic of the Grizzlies for Choice event was “abortion rights in legislature,” writing that they “will discuss abortion rights in legislature and write letters to the reproductive freedom fighters who won during the midterm elections!!”The group has been active on campus, holding rallies, protests, and numerous other meeting such as their most recent one titled  “abortion in other cultures.”Pro-abortion protests, rallies, and meetings have been commonplace across universities.Campus Reform reported in September on campus walkouts in Texas, where students were calling for “on demand” abortions.

Tags: Abortion, California, College Insurrection