Leaked Document Exposes EU’s Secret Plan for Palestinian Authority Takeover of Judea and Samaria

A newly-leaked European Union document has exposed a clandestine plan to expand the Palestinian control over Judea and Samaria.

The 6-page confidential policy document, reportedly written by the EU mission in East Jerusalem, shows the European bloc’s intent to help Palestinians gain full control of Judea and Samaria, even the areas inhabited by Israeli Jews.

Judea and Samaria, also referred to in the media as the West Bank, was split into three “Areas” under the Oslo Accords of 1993. The Area A is to be exclusively administered by the Palestinian Authority (PA), the Area B jointly by the PA and Israel, and the Area C by Israel. The Area C is home to some 400,000 Israelis.

Citing the leaked EU document, the news agency Jewish News Syndicate noted that ” Brussels is actively working with and on behalf of the Palestinian Authority to take over Area C of Judea and Samaria, with the overall objective of integrating the region with Areas A and B.”

The EU also wants to undermine the historic Jewish claim to the biblical land. “The six-page document calls for mapping the territory in order to prove Palestinian rights to the land and monitoring Israeli archaeological activity, as ancient Jewish ties reinforce Israeli claims,” the JNS noted. (Read excerpts of the EU document summed up by the JNS here.)

Israeli Defense Experts Slam EU’s “Blatant Hostility and Aggression”

Leading Israeli defense and security experts blasted the EU for backing the hostile landgrab operation. The i24News reported:

An Israeli organization consisting of more than 16,000 former military, security, and police officers called the revelation that the European Union is working on a Palestinian takeover of Area C of the West Bank “an act of blatant hostility and aggression.”In an open letter sent Wednesday from the Israel Defense and Security Forum (IDSF) and addressed to Dimiter Tzantchev, head of the EU delegation to the State of Israel, the NGO slammed the EU for its confidential policy document revealed by media outlets on Tuesday.”According to our professional understanding of national security, the dominant terrain of Judea and Samaria in Area C is key strategic terrain that controls or can threaten most of the modern State of Israel’s infrastructure and strategic assets,” the letter stated.”The EU’s reported clandestine activity to undermine Israeli control in Area C and to advance illegal Palestinian development in those areas constitutes a clear and present threat to the security of the State of Israel, and is an act of blatant hostility and aggression.”

EU Funds Landgrab, Lawfare Against Israel

The EU elites, driven by their globalist ideology, have been backing their policy aims by funneling millions of euros to the Palestinians.

An Israeli intelligence report released early this year showed massive money transfers made by the EU to fund Palestinian territorial expansion in Judea and Samaria. “The European Union has spent half-a-billion dollars over the last seven years to support a Palestinian Authority plan to control Area C of the West Bank,” the Jerusalem Post reported January 2022.

Substantial amount of that money is allocated to lawfare — or legal warfare — against Israel. “An annual EU sum of some 20 million euros is earmarked for Palestinian legal battles against settlements and the security barrier,” the newspaper added.

The EU funding is not only limited to Palestinian landgrab activities, the bloc also generously finances Palestinian NGOs and charities with known links to terrorist organizations.

The European and EU money often ends up in the coffers of the terrorist groups who are waging war against Israeli soldiers and civilians. In May 2021, Israeli security services uncovered a terrorism financing network that European-funded NGOs were using to siphon off millions of euros to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terror group.  “Among their donors are Spain, Germany, Britain, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, the EU and Switzerland,” the Reuters reported at that time.

Tags: European Union, Israel, Palestinian Authority, Palestinian Terror