But Why? Democrat Mega-Donor Crypto King Sam Bankman-Fried Arrested In Bahamas Preventing His Congressional Testimony

Democrat Mega-Donor and Crypto King Sam Blankman-Fried was supposed to testify to a House committee today. By all appearances, he was going to do it.

But the U.S. DOJ and FBI had him arrested in the Bahamas, so he never testified.

Funny that. It goes against everything you would expect prosecutors to do. Why not let him testify under oath. It’s no lose for the feds. “Anything you say can and will be used against you.”

There was no downside. Dem Crypto King may have further implicated himself in criminal conduct. Or he may have lied under oath to Congress, more potential federal charges. His testimony could not help him or hurt the prosecution because even if he did well, you can’t introduce your own prior statements as evidence.

And there was no downside to the feds even if they already had a mountain of evidence against him. Too much evidence of guilt is a prosecutor’s dream. Usually.

So no downside for the feds, no upside for Dem Crypto King, if he testified.

So why not delay the arrest for a day? Or a few hours. Could have made great TV, as the gavel was hammered down at the end of questioning, Bahamian police could have burst onto the screen and arrested him.

Perhaps there’s something we don’t know. Maybe he was about to skip town — but to where? Or maybe there was an indication he was not actually going to testify, so no reason to wait. But none of that has been offered as the reason for the timing of the arrest.

Now, Dem Crypto King likely never will testify publicly about it. The feds can’t force him to testify against himself. He only will ever testify if he takes the stand in his own defense at trial.

The only potential downside to Dem Crypto King testifying before Congress today was for Democrats if Republicans got to question him about his political donations and ties to Democrats.

Do you believe in coincidence?

Tags: Cryptocurrency, Sam Bankman-Fried