Biden Education Dept. Dissolves National Parents and Families Engagement Council
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Biden Education Dept. Dissolves National Parents and Families Engagement Council

Biden Education Dept. Dissolves National Parents and Families Engagement Council

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona filled the council with left-wing activists and Democratic donors.

President Joe Biden’s Education Department dissolved the new National Parents and Families Engagement Council, filled with left-wing activists, after parental rights group sued.

Parents have confronted schools and school boards across the country because of indoctrination and being shut out from their child’s education. Teachers unions called the parents “domestic terrorists” while the Biden administration pushed the FBI to investigate them.

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona tried to find a balance with the council, but it contained “allies of the Biden administration, and that nearly 80% of their leaders donated to Biden or other Democrats.”

From Fox News:

The department sparked a firestorm over the summer after it announced its new National Parents and Families Engagement Council as a means to find “constructive ways to help families engage at the local level.” Fight for Schools, Parents Defending Education, and America First Legal filed a joint federal lawsuit in July saying the council violated multiple provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) that require balance and transparency.

According to a dismissal notice filed Monday, the department has agreed to “immediately and permanently” disband the council and not hold any future meetings, and the groups have agreed to dismiss their lawsuit without prejudice.

The administration picked “Al Sharpton’s National Action Network and multiple pro-Black Lives Matter groups, including Mocha Moms Inc., United Parent Leaders Action Network (UPLAN), and UnidosUS.”

Parents Defending Education President Nicole Neily told Fox News: “We are gratified that Secretary Cardona’s Potemkin village ‘Parents Council’ will be disbanded, because families should never be used merely as props to advance progressive policies. Parental engagement is essential for students to succeed; accordingly, it is critical that ALL voices and perspectives be integrated into any feedback mechanism that the Biden Administration operates – and that the Department of Education respect the rule of law.”


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2smartforlibs | December 5, 2022 at 3:07 pm

Once your birth the little monsters the DNC no longer needs you involved.

Now do the Department of Education.

Patronage just isn’t what it used to be.

The left consumes everything and perverts it to their bizarre political goals. I do not not think there is a single major charity in the entire world that is not devoted to leftwing political, social, anti-Judeo-Chrisitan, and LBGT tyranny.

I’m amazed that they dissolved the whole thing, rather then find three representatives with purple hair, facial doorknockers, and barely-dry Republican motor-voter receipts.

This is a start, next stop getting rid of the department of education. The Federal government has no business in what the states can do on their own.

BierceAmbrose | December 6, 2022 at 2:28 pm

They do seem to fold a lot when the grift gets caught out. (See the “disinformation board.” That or they realized tracking dis- mis- and mal-information coming from the Authoritah would be real work, and who wants that?)

Now do Biden’s Board from the Ministry of Rail Conscription.