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University of California Workers Set to Strike Starting Monday

University of California Workers Set to Strike Starting Monday

“Strike coordinators say the strike is scheduled indefinitely.”

Of course, this was the whole point of getting university workers to unionize. They could potentially shut down the system for the rest of the semester.

KSBW News reports:

University of California academic workers to strike on Monday

An anticipated labor strike at the University of California, Santa Cruz, has forced many classes to go remote or be canceled for Monday.

Academic workers are anticipated to strike at the base of the campus, which could block the main and west entrances.

City and school buses will not cross the picket line.

Negotiations between the University of California system and the UAW union – which represents about 48,000 teaching assistants, researchers, and postdoctoral scholars – have been underway for over a year now.

Strike coordinators say the strike is scheduled indefinitely.

Academic workers say that they do most of the grading, tutoring, and are relied on for office hours.

If an agreement is not reached by December, final exams will be disrupted, union leaders said.

In a tweet, UAW wrote that the UC system must “cease unlawful conduct and negotiate in good faith to create research and teaching environments where all can thrive.”

According to the UC, workers are asking for a more respectful work environment, transportation subsidies, and an exemption for international student fees. But the stickiest issue comes down to pay.


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Checked my bag of f*s to give — it was empty.

This is Communist on Communist. I’d grab the popcorn but it’s not good for my diverticulitis.

It would be a shame if none of the striking TA’s got credit this symester for the courses that they were taking. Before you pull the rug out on someone, it is a good idea to make sure that you are not standing on the same rug.

I’m fervently hoping both sides lose this contest.