Steve Scalise Wins Unanimous Support of House Republicans as New Majority Leader
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Steve Scalise Wins Unanimous Support of House Republicans as New Majority Leader

Steve Scalise Wins Unanimous Support of House Republicans as New Majority Leader

“We’re ready to go to work day one, and we want to go fight for those hardworking families who are struggling and who are watching a Washington today that doesn’t care about them”

Current House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is expected to become Speaker of the House when Republicans officially gain the majority in the chamber.

Until then, Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana won unanimous support from House Republicans to be the new majority leader.

Scalise is an excellent choice for this role.

Virginia Aabrams reports at the Washington Examiner:

House Republicans unanimously back Steve Scalise for majority leader

The House Republican conference elected Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) on Wednesday to serve as their majority leader when the next session of Congress begins in January.

Scalise was uncontested for the position, and the move would keep him as the No. 2 to current Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), assuming he becomes speaker of the House. McCarthy is facing a challenge from the more conservative wing of the GOP.

“We’re ready to go to work day one, and we want to go fight for those hardworking families who are struggling and who are watching a Washington today that doesn’t care about them,” Scalise told the Washington Examiner about his plans for the majority earlier this month. “Democrats control the House, Senate, and White House, and they will not even bring bills to the floor to lower energy costs or to deal with inflation, or to secure the border because they want that far-left approach, even though it’s hurting regular people.”

In his pitch to the conference Monday, Scalise was greeted warmly by the gathered party members. Among his priorities, he pledged the House would investigate Hunter Biden’s laptop.

You can read Scalise’s statement below:

You can also watch his remarks here:

Republicans have their work cut out for them. With a likely slim majority, they’re probably going to struggle to remain united on a number of issues.


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TY Mike… We are lucky to have him.. a miracle really.

    BobM in reply to amwick. | November 16, 2022 at 8:02 am

    the proof is in the pudding, as they say.

    I didn’t vote for Trump the first go round – Land Developer who makes money doing huge union built projects in NY/NJ? Who gets along with Dem politicians in one-party cities?

    Please. You might as well run an Italian-American candidate who got rich in garbage disposal and waterfront businesses. How can he NOT be corrupt?

    But then after po’ing the political establishment by not graciously losing to their Golden Child candidate like establishment republican candidates are supposed to? And then either keeping or visibly trying to keep every election promise he made – like no one’s supposed to? And then 4 years in of unreal proctologist level “we’ll get him NOW!” Kangaroo court investigations still not “gotten”?

    F@rk being nicely nice on social media, he had my vote second go round. And you can see what it got him.

    The Biddens, like the Clintons, smell corrupt like week old smelt. The average national politician (or his family) gets rich from their time in office. I wouldn’t bet money on any of them facing TDS level of scrutiny untouched – let along low-hanging fruit like “The Big Guy”. Even when they admit corruption is going on the Pols won’t name names. They go along to get along. I can only hope to be pleasantly surprised if a (R) majority-held house is willing to name names and risk not being invited to the GOOD parties.

Speaker Of The House that survived an assasination attempt.
That is all…

Watch and see if Dems don’t go after weak Rs to get them to switch parties.

    Using the FBI to blackmail them?

    clintack in reply to Whitewall. | November 16, 2022 at 10:34 am

    Perhaps they’ll question the validity of the elections and refuse to seat two or three…

    (Tongue-in-cheek, because they don’t have the votes for that.)

      diver64 in reply to clintack. | November 16, 2022 at 5:17 pm

      Yes, they do. They need 2/3rds to expel a member but they can just refuse to seat the member which has been done numerous times.

        Milhouse in reply to diver64. | November 16, 2022 at 8:21 pm

        Only if they genuinely doubt that he was validly elected. Not just because they don’t want him in the House. In fact, even if two thirds of the House, which is enough to expel a member, votes not to seat someone, the decision is invalid. If the two thirds want to expel the member they must vote on a motion to expel, not a motion not to seat. See the case of Adam Clayton Powell.

        Also, how do they get in before the disputed members? It’s the incoming house that would vote, not the outgoing one, so these members must also be allowed to vote on their own admission, and of course they would vote to admit themselves.

    mailman in reply to Whitewall. | November 16, 2022 at 10:36 am

    One would like to think that some of them Republicans would have learnt a lesson from Trump…and thats growing some fucking balls and telling the Democrat media to get fucked for a change (instead of bending over like they have always done).

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Whitewall. | November 16, 2022 at 1:07 pm

    “Weak-Rs Republicans”. Pronounce it out loud.


I can’t wait to hear the accusations that Rep. Scalise is endangering democracy by inciting political violence.

We have had 3 RINOs in a row. Might as well keep the drunk if nothing’s going to change.

Scalise, yes. McCarthy, no.

Who then? I dunno, Stefanik? Someone else? Anyone, Who?



Somehow, I think Rep Scalise would tend to notice and respond to incitement and insurrection-y calls to political violence. We might get less of that.

Now, why to I think he’d be so aware-guy about whack jobs doing political violence to change the balance in the govt? Somebody remind me.

I’m reminded of something I noticed in earlier congresses. When Reps and Senators were unavailable because of political violence directed at them, nobody thought to hold legislative business till the people’s voices were again present.

Voice of the people seems to be only when the people voice the agenda already decided. Seems like take the advantage while you have it; no matter how you got it.

While I’d rather he’d run for Speaker, being Majority Leader is nothing to sneeze at. He’ll be a good fit.

In other news, Kennedy is rumbling to go for the governorship of Louisiana (which I truly don’t understand why you’d go for a term limited office than stay in an office where you can do the most for the state). Fortunately, The Biden suckup Bill Cassidy ALSO announced he might run.

Please Kennedy, for the love of God, don’t run. Let Cassidy run and LOSE. People do not really like him down here after his 180 after being reelected. I’m hoping he’ll end up just like Vitter did when he ran for governor.

Being Speaker of the House is considered one of the worst jobs in Washington.

He should be speaker. Much better choice.