Macalester College Students Demand Expansion of ‘All-Gender Housing’
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Macalester College Students Demand Expansion of ‘All-Gender Housing’

Macalester College Students Demand Expansion of ‘All-Gender Housing’

“Priscilla Perez, a residential services manager, hopes to expand all-gender housing options by the fall 2023 semester.”

At some schools, it almost seems like gender studies has completely taken over.

Campus Reform reports:

Students demand more ‘gender-inclusive’ housing

Macalester College, a private liberal arts college in Saint Paul, Minnesota, may expand its all-gender housing following student complaints.

Currently, the college accommodates transgender students by providing “intentional housing” in Doty Hall for first-year students. Returning students can request to live in the “All-Gender Community,” which reportedly houses 10 students.

Sophomores, juniors, and seniors are also permitted to “to live with whichever gender they identify with on single gendered floors.”

Students, however, told the student newspaper The Mac Weekly that the accommodations are insufficient.

Eli Flewell, a non-binary student, told The Mac Weekly that Macalester cannot call itself gender-affirming until it expands all-gender housing.

“[Macalester knows] that there’s a bunch of people who wanted all-gender housing and didn’t get it,” Flewell said. “And I think that ‘unfair’ is not the right word. It feels like Mac is going back on their advertised values.”

Priscilla Perez, a residential services manager, hopes to expand all-gender housing options by the fall 2023 semester. She is working with the Department of Multicultural Life and Assistant Director of Diversity Education, Leadership, and Inclusion Mads Clark, The Mac Weekly reported.

“We cannot just be prescribing that college is the time to find yourself,” Clark told The Mac Weekly. “Because a lot of students come into college having a pretty concrete understanding of where they’re at, while also knowing that that can change and fluctuate, right?”


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Yeah, this all-gender housing thing is gonna work out fine…at least up until the first couple of sexual assaults. (*Seinfeld eye roll*)

Hell Yeah! What 20yr old male wouldnt want to cruise to the shower when the ladies are there? Well, except for the soi boi, man bun permanent friend zone skinny jean “guy”

Do they need special housing with more refrigeration to keep all of the snowflakes from melting?

A Punk Named Yunk | November 30, 2022 at 5:16 pm

Hey, Diver64,
Sadly, the morals of the girls have been so crushed that I doubt they mind. They have no shame let in them and probably enjoy having the guys around to watch them. Bet the shower stall floors will be a lot more slippery.

A Punk Named Yunk | November 30, 2022 at 5:24 pm

I think it was in the 1970’s when the first co-ed dorm opened on some campus. The man & women were still on different floors but it breached a sacred barrier; their dorms were formerly on opposite ends of the campus. I was a teenager at the time but I remember the news reports about it. They treated it like something cute and nice. The expression didn’t exists yet as a thing but I recall thinking something along the lines of “This is not gonna end well”. This is not even the end of it.

So they gonna have 10 horny students in one big room, or maybe one big room-sized bed? Who needs privacy? Why waste time? The Planned Parenthood clinic on campus needs revenue.