Hollowed Out Youth Crisis

We’re all wrapped up in the (mostly negative) midterm election results. And that’s understandable, even if we’re still trying to understand why there was no red wave.

Politics is downstream of the culture, as Andrew Breitbart used to say. And the culture is really bleak.

We cover education extensively, and how the left targets even the youngest grades for ideological grooming. But it’s even worse than that, we are raising a generation of hollowed out youth, and we can’t blame it on the teachers.

That was a theme in a presentation at the Parents United Conference I attended in Boston on October 28. I usually only post my own speech videos (there’s a psychological term for that, I can’t remember what it is). And not to worry, I will still do that.

But I want to present first the speaker who was immediately before me, Jeremy Adams, whose book on the subject is Hollowed Out: A Warning about America’s Next Generation:

Jeremy is a high school teacher in Bakersfield, California, and he describes a dystopian youth culture of cell phone addiction, isolation, and inability to sustain human relations or spirituality. Hollowed out youth. It’s chilling.

How do you think those hollowed out youth will vote when they reach adulthood? That’s more depressing than the midterm results.

Watch the video.

Tags: College Insurrection, Culture, Education