Vermont High School Girls Volleyball Team Banned From Locker Room For Objecting To Changing With Biological Male

Randolph VT Volleyball

Members of the girls volleyball team at the high school in Randolph, Vermont have been banned from their own locker room for not wanting to change in front of a transgender student who is a biological male.

We’ve seen this same scenario play out time and time again.

WCAX News reports:

Randolph High School investigating gender locker room disputeRandolph High Schools girl’s volleyball team has been banned from its own locker room while school officials investigate a conflict involving a transgender student on the team.Vermont education policy says students can play sports and use the locker room corresponding to their gender. But some members of the Randolph girl’s volleyball team objected to having a transgender teammate in the room while they were changing.“It’s a huge thing. Everyone’s asking, ‘So, why aren’t you allowed in the locker room?’” said Blake Allen, who along with her fellow teammates are currently barred from using the locker room after some of the girls on the team objected to allowing a transgender player in the girl’s locker room.“My mom wants me to do this interview to try to make a change,” Allen said. “I feel like for stating my opinion — that I don’t want a biological man changing with me — that I should not have harassment charges or bullying charges. They should all be dropped.”Allen says that the dispute started when the trans student made an inappropriate comment while members of the volleyball team were getting changed. She says her issue is not with having the trans student on the team or at school, but specifically in the locker room. “There are biological boys that go into the girl’s bathroom but never a locker room,” Allen said.

Why are high school girls forced to deal with this?

Jordan Boyd of The Federalist has more on this:

When players and their parents raised concerns about teen girls sharing intimate spaces with someone of the opposite sex, the school told them state law allows for students claiming to be transgender to use whichever bathrooms and locker rooms they desire. The school is also investigating whether the team violated the school’s harassment, hazing, and bullying policy.In addition to threatening punishment for students for speaking up about their discomfort, school administrators claimed that girls who do not want to share their protected space with the opposite sex should go out of their way to “change in privacy.”“They want all the girls who feel uncomfortable — so pretty much 10 girls — to get changed in a single stall bathroom, which would take over 30 minutes. Where if one person got changed separately, it would take a minute, like no extra time,” Allen said.In that same email to parents, high school officials said their investigation will primarily focus on allegations that the girls harassed the transgender student even though the school’s harassment policy specifically bars the kind of inappropriate comments the male student allegedly made.

Remember in the 2012 election when Democrats accused Republicans of waging a war on women?

What would they call this?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: College Insurrection, Education, Sports, Transgender, Vermont