University of Florida Students Already Protesting Incoming UF President Ben Sasse

Republican Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse is leaving the Senate to become the president of the University of Florida. Within 24 hours of this news breaking, left wing students at the school began protesting.

The College Fix reports:

Left-wing U. Florida students petition, protest to cancel GOP Sen. Sasse as incoming presidentWithin 24 hours of the news that Republican U.S. Senator Ben Sasse is slated to resign and likely take the helm of the University of Florida, several left-leaning student groups quickly denounced the development and demanded it be reversed.A campus protest is scheduled for Monday, the same day Sasse is scheduled to be on campus to talk to faculty, staff and students as part of the hiring process.The Young Democratic Socialists chapter at UF posted on Instagram about the protest, stating: “FUCH THE REPLACEMENT! Join us in protesting against the announcement of Dr. Ben Sasse as the sole finalist as UF’s next president.”Currently, Kent Fuchs is the president of the University of Florida, which enrolls about 35,000 students.Although Sasse, who represents Nebraska, was one of the handful of Republican senators who voted to convict former President Donald Trump at his second impeachment trial, the UF College Democrats also published a statement Friday that denounced the choice.“Senator Sasse is an outspoken anti-gun control, anti-choice, anti-academic freedom, and anti-LGBTQ+ politician,” the group stated on Instagram. “This selection does not reflect the diversity of our Gainesville and University of Florida community and blatantly harms the communities UF claims to value.”The College Democrats also claim Sasse will serve “as a puppet” for Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis and encouraged its members to join the protest.“Political influence that dismantles academic freedom and actively attacks our student body has no place in our educational institutions. The University of Florida College Democrats strongly condemns the recommendation of Ben Sasse and will not stand for his approval,” the group stated.

Tags: Ben Sasse, College Insurrection, Florida, Republicans