U. Southern Maine Students Walk Out on Prof After She Says There Are Only Two Sexes
“After Hammer reportedly refused to retract her statement during a restorative justice meeting, students threatened to boycott class until she is replaced.”
Does the left still consider itself the side that believes in science? Because this looks more like devotion to a religion than respect for science.
Campus Reform reports:
Students boycott class after professor declares there are only two sexes
Students walked out of University of Southern Maine (USM) professor Christy Hammer’s class on Sept. 14 after she reportedly said that there are only two biological sexes.
The students alleged the comment was “inaccurate and transphobic,” the Bangor Daily News reports.
After Hammer reportedly refused to retract her statement during a restorative justice meeting, students threatened to boycott class until she is replaced.
A petition supporting Hammer was created by Jennifer Gingrich to USM Teacher Education Department Chair Flynn Ross. It currently has over 1,500 signatures.
The petition calls on USM to “support” Hammer and “biological fact.”
“A university that cannot teach facts because students find them too hard to handle is useless as an educational institution,” the petition reads. “We the undersigned ask USM President Jacqueline Edmondson, Interim Provost Adam Tuchinsky and Chair of the Teacher Education Department Flynn Ross to stand firmly behind Professor Hammer and issue a public statement to the effect that she will neither be replaced nor required to stop stating the fact that sex in humans is binary.”
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It is binary, aside from an extremely rare abnormality. If you reject that, then you have no business being in college.
You know pwrfwctly well that intersex is not what those children meant when they said sex is not binary. They meant trans in all its forms and the many not female and not male.
W and e are far too close together on my phone’s keyboard…
Oh, I know what the puddingheads meant. The whole NB thing is ludicrous, in my eyes, and I don’t see how that became a thing.
A heartening development indeed, but only if the administration doesn’t do the usual waffle dance.
In biology, there are two, and only two, demonstrable sexes.
If you want a gender discussion, one should go to the psychology department…
Not sure why the question would ever come up unless you were taking a class in human biology or human reproduction and she is in the college of Education (creating future teachers.)
Professors and Students need to stay in their lane.
I would have resented my Accounting Professors talking about football as much as I would them discussing gender fluidity among humans.
I would resent classmates discussing anything but Accounting in my Accounting classes.
Shut up and teach.
Shut up and learn.
It probably came up because the professor started talking about different learning styles for boys and girls. As a former educator myself, I can assure you there are distinct differences that need to be addressed in the classroom.
Any student that wants to boycott should be supported in their choice, and failed out of the subject at the end of semester.