Sorry, Dems. Florida Hispanic Voters Back DeSantis, Approve Migrant Flights to Martha’s Vineyard

Ron DeSantis Laughing

I can hear the Democrats screaming because a Telemundo/LX News poll shows that Florida Hispanic voters back current Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis over Charlie Crist…by a lot.

To make it worse, the Hispanic voters approve of DeSantis sending illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard. That has to be a gut punch to the Democrats because of how they acted and talked I thought for sure the Hispanic voters would rebel against DeSantis.

Remember how the left bought the lie that DeSantis tried to suppress COVID data to make him look good? Yeah…voters didn’t believe it.

By the way, I know I am using the same featured image I used in another piece about DeSantis and Hispanic voters across America. I have to because it’s perfect.

It’s a perfect image for this piece because the poll has no bad news for DeSantis. None. I’ll sum it up:

So let’s look at the first question. DeSantis is up 51% to 44%, with 1% choosing other and 4% undecided.

Oh, it gets better. Did you see the stats for “Place of Birth?” Those born in the US prefer DeSantis by only 1% over Crist.

But those from another country? 56% to 40%! Maybe it’s because they worked hard to become citizens? A few people I know from other countries want a more accessible immigration system but don’t want people to walk across and get anything they want. They came with nothing, worked hard, and came here legally.

DeSantis even took 6% of the Democratic voters. Crist has 1% of the Republicans. Independents overwhelmingly choose DeSantis, 56% to 34%.

Here are the results regarding flying illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard. The left and media feigned outrage and tears when DeSantis sent two planes filled with illegal immigrants to the swanky island the rich leftists use as a playground.

Only 9% of the Democrats approved of the flights but 90% of the Republicans approved. The Independents are once again the important bloc since 56% had no problem with the flights.

In other words, nothing DeSantis has done has moved Hispanic voters away from him.

Tags: 2022 Elections, Florida, Ron DeSantis