Report: Border Patrol Observed 599,000 ‘Gotaways’ in Fiscal Year 2022

A Customs and Border Protection source told Bill Melugin at Fox News that the agents witnessed 599,000 migrant “gotaways” in FY2022.

The border patrol classifies a gotaway as people “observed on cameras or detected via sensors, footprints or other means but were never apprehended because of a lack of manpower.”

The border only had 389,155 gotaways in FY2021. From Fox News:

The number of gotaways in FY2022 – which spans from Oct. 1, 2021 to Sept. 30, 2022 – is up drastically from the year before. In April, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas told the House Judiciary Committee that there were 389,155 gotaways at the border in FY2021.In total, that makes for nearly 1 million gotaways at the southern border since the beginning of FY2021.Far fewer gotaways came through before then. According to former U.S. Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott, who served in office under former President Donald Trump and President Biden, Fiscal Year 2020 saw only 69,000 gotaways.

Tags: Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, Mexico