Radical Left’s War on Women Gains Ground: Biological Male Dominating Women’s Disc Golf
“Disc golf is now having its Lia Thomas moment to the delight of those who don’t have a problem with the destruction of female athletics.”

Women’s disc golf has a new rising star, one who also happens to be a biological male. In a situation similar to Lia Thomas in women’s swimming, Natalie Ryan is racking up wins and prize money.
Once again, women will be told to just deal with it.
Joe Kinsey writes at OutKick:
Biological Male is Starting to Dominate Women’s Disc Golf, but Competitors Mostly Stay Quiet
Well, well, well … look what we have here from the world of women’s disc golf. The biological males have come for one of the wokest sports on the planet. Disc golf is now having its Lia Thomas moment to the delight of those who don’t have a problem with the destruction of female athletics.
Biological male Natalie Ryan, who reportedly has been playing disc golf for three years, is suddenly the No. 5-ranked female disc golfer in the world. The sport has watched as Ryan has started to dominate the top U.S. biological female competitor, Paige Pierce.
In an extensive report published Wednesday in Quillette, reporter Jonathan Kay laid out the state of women’s professional disc golf. Kay writes about how Ryan is the sport’s equivalent of Lia Thomas, a biological male swimmer who decided to compete for the University of Penn as a female. Thomas of course went on to defeat three biological female Olympic medalists for a title at the 2022 NCAA Swimming Championships.
There’s real money involved:
As Kay points out, Ryan showed up to July’s Great Lakes Open in Milford, Mich., and took home $6,000 for a first-place performance. The event was supposed to be a major moment for equality in sports as disc golf had the same first-place prize money for men and women. Then two biological men won both divisions.
Then at the most recent Disc Golf Pro Tour event held in Leicester, Mass., Ryan once again won a big-time tournament (+1) and took home $9,000 by defeating the world’s No. 1 ranked female competitor Kristin Tattar, who won $6,000. Pierce finished third ($4,000).
In case you were wondering, disc golf is like a hybrid of golf and Frisbee.
Here’s more from the Quillette report:
Ryan is not the first openly transgender disc golfer to compete in a Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA) event—a distinction claimed by a Massachusetts trans woman named Kelly Jenkins. Nor is Ryan the first openly trans disc golfer to win a prominent event—a distinction that belongs to Dutch player Laura Nagtegaal. And in both 2021 and 2022, the PDGA Masters World FP50 championship (for women aged 50 or over) went to a trans woman named Nova Politte (who, at 6‘4”, self-describes as ”the tallest female disc golfer in the world”).
But Ryan’s victory was different, because DGLO is such an important tournament. Thanks to its Elite Series classification within the Disc Golf Pro Tour (DGPT), it ranks as one of the few events that allow top players to compete for the annual Tour Championship, which in turn can yield higher payouts and more prominent media opportunities.
Is the reverse of this ever true?
Are there any biological women dominating men’s sports?
Featured image via YouTube.

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Who cares about disc golf!
You should, it’s disc golf, swimming, then track,
Just wait till these track male stars who are delusional and say they are women try to take a spot on an American women’s USA team
There will be some but whipping
Though this isnt really a sports issue – the sports issue is really just a side issue.
The reality is this is a mental health issue and the embracement of the evil of mutilating a human body.
Further it is the corruption of our youth minds into believing such evil is good – and that we as a society should accept and encourage such evil.
Yes, it is normalizing a deviant behavior one little step at a time.
People who enjoy playing it or watching it.
Who cares abouit 22 men in shoulder pads and helmets running around bumping into each other in order to throw an air-filled pigskin spheroid between two pieces of wood?
Who cares about 18 men using a club to hit stuffed horse-hide and then run around a square?
It’s actually good exercise. Wife and I took it up 2 years ago.
I am of the belief that any exercise is good and much better than no exercise.
my apologies if I insulted disc golf.
That being said, – I think we all agree that the much broader and vastly more important issue is embracement of a pseudo treatment for the mentally ill which permanently mutilates the human body. Along with the encouragement by the mental health profession to perform such barbaric and evil upon the mentally ill.
Its pure evil.
The doctors mutilating those human bodies are making good money. They won’t be happy if you fuck w/ their cash flow.
Case in point.
I’m surprised to see any woman able to throw a frisbee.
I play ambidextrously. Despite my initials, I am a woman.
So, there is that.
A biological male is dominating women’s disc golf?
Ketanji Brown Jackson said she could not define a woman because she is not a biologist. Apparently, biology has nothing to do with it.
It seems you need to be a psychologist with a major in abnormal psychology and a secondary in deviant behavior.
I pointed out that Kenyatta Brown couldn’t even get that snarky response correct – and she was trying to be super-smart and evasive in her answer to that simple question. She is a total joke, even worse than Sotomayor (who, while at Princeton, actually thought that Spanish didn’t have adjectives!).
I am a biologist: that person is a dude.
Women are the biggest enablers of transgender terrorism. Call me when they realize they’ve been had.
What was that quaint old tune….? Ah Yes,
“I am woman hear me roar……” Guess it wouldn’t be understood now.
Just singing bass…
Ryan might be a counter tenor if he becomes a eunuch…..
Funny how not 1 woman born to male trannie ever makes a sports star
My daughter played football in middle school.
She was a starter on the O line for 2 years and they went undefeated.. She earned her spot secondary to size. She ended up 6 feet tall and girls grow quicker than boys so she was taller and solid from a swimming career.
At the time I thought it was great, she was tall, athletic, earned a D1 scholarship for basketball.
She knew the boys would beat the crap out of her in HS, by the end of eighth grade they were already bigger and stronger, so she had her fun and didn’t look back.
It was all innocent fun then, she did go to the girls locker room and I always went with her cause she was the only girl. They actually forgot her once in an away game, almost had to drive her back, just made the bus, Before cell phones were in every kids hands.
Never thought I would see this. And yes it was different. My daughter didn’t claim to be a boy and she had to earn her spot every week. It was real competition not this BS amd yes if she had tried out in 9th grade she would not have made the team, and that would have been fair.
You daughter sounds like an amazing athlete, congrats to her.
It is fairly common for girls to compete and sometimes even dominate in sports like soccer when kids are young especially when you have a girl would is both athletic and aggressive (the later is far more rare) but the boys rapidly close the gap which is why we have always had separate sports in HS and beyond.
In MA we have had an issue with boys playing field hockey (not trans, just boys). Just a few but they tend to dominate. Somerset Berkley had two boys (one the son of the coach) and won back to back state titles with the boys scoring most of their goals.
Where are the parents? My sons would not be playing girls’ sports. Back when I was younger, the boys ourselves would have put an end to this nonsense.
In the movie Kindergarten Cop, a child stood up and told Arnold Schwarzenegger: “Boys have a penis; girls have a vagina.” In those days that was common knowledge. But today, no way Jose.
Something that you can’t deny,
Chromosomes will never lie.
If you have a Y,
Then you’re a guy.
A thousand years from now when archaeologists look at your skeleton, it will either be a male or a female.
Oh, I’m confident skeletons aren’t far behind.
I’m so sad for all these girls, so many that speak out get abused by the administration s and so called friends
I do feel sorry for the girls, but it’s getting worse for them not improving.
And morale won’t improve until the beatings begin.
As long as there is no principled pushback, you’ll only get more of the same.
MALE is Starting to Dominate Women’s …
Not “Biological Male”. Just “Male”, which is what he is.
Disc golf … uh … that’s less of a real sport than rhythmic gymnastics or synchronized swimming and has even less of an audience than the WNBA (which is no easy feat).
Do they call it Disc Golf because Frisbee is a brand name or because they think “disc” sounds more adult?
And shouldn’t it be “Disk”??
Yes, because Frisbee is trademarked.
Disk vs. disc is mostly decided by custom, tradition, and country of origin.
Hard drives are disks, but optical media are discs.
Discos aren’t diskos because they originated in Europe, around the time the Beatles showed up in the US.
Disc golf is a low impact sport popular with seniors (like pickleball, which nobody else plays) and is offered as a “hiking sport” in many public parks.
Pickelball is actually played by ALL ages and is quite a physical challenge. I know, I play it and I’ve played soccer both female and co-Ed teams for years, though it’s not as arduous as soccer or tennis, it’s no walk in the park.
Well, right… I didn’t mean to imply that pickleball was not strenuous, just that it seems to be almost exclusively a senior sport (at least in Arizona where I live). The youngsters here who are interested in such a sport would rather play tennis. My wording was improper.
I’m curious. What is the genuine advantage for a trans person in disc golf?
Same as in regular golf, I would say. Upper body strength for the initial drive.
Same as regular golf. More distance off the tee due to body strength which leads to shorter follow up shots.
Cis flip flies straight!
Trans flip deviates — experiment!
That would be hyzer and anhyzer. Get the lingo right!! lol
And listen to the slathering interviewer at the end of that video: “you have a greater uphill battle than most people out here….”
Can’t you just vomit?
The battle for real women just got a lot more “uphill.”
Why, does he have really stumpy legs or is one shorter than the other?