Only ‘BIPOC’ Students Invited to Discuss Race on Campus at a U. Chicago Student Org’s Event

BIPOC stands for black, indigenous, and other people of color. So this event excluded some people on the basis of color. Isn’t that illegal?

FOX News reports:

University of Chicago student organization hosts ‘BIPOC-only’ discussion about race on campusA student organization at the University of Chicago is hosting a discussion on race that is “BIPOC-Only.”The student organization, UChicago United, is hosting an event titled “Race @ UChicago” as part of its “Dis-orientation” on Oct. 15 that is listed as a “BIPOC-Only space.””A BIPOC-ONLY space for honest discussion of navigating race at UChicago between new and old students,” the event description reads.Other events being hosted by the organization during the fall semester include radical story hour, policing, gentrification, and abolition, anti-militarism 101, and activist open house.UChicago United’s “Dis-orientation” is a series of events “aimed at educating first years about the ‘real’ University of Chicago.”Participants of all events are required to wear a mask, and the student organization wrote “the pandemic is not over. we keep us safe!”The organization also created a campaign called “CareNotCops” which was in response to the shooting of a student, Charles Thomas, by a University of Chicago Police Department officer on April 3, 2018.

Tags: Chicago, College Insurrection