Iran’s Security Forces Caught on Video Sexually Assaulting Women Protesters
“In two recent videos verified by the BBC, security forces who are forcefully trying to arrest female protesters appear to be sexually assaulting them.”

With anti-regime protests sweeping across Iran for nearly a month, Iranian security forces were caught sexually assaulting women protesters, the video evidence shows.
“In two recent videos verified by the BBC, security forces who are forcefully trying to arrest female protesters appear to be sexually assaulting them,” the BBC reported Friday.
One of the incidents was recorded in Iran’s capital Tehran, where a “woman is seen being detained and taken towards a motorbike in a busy street crowded with police,” the UK newspaper Daily Mail noted. “Once she is surrounded on all sides by four armoured cops, one of them appears to grabs her inappropriately with a strong hand. She then crumples to the floor,” the daily added.
How sick is the Iranian regime? #Iran's security forces molested a female protester in Tehran and it was caught on tape. The country responses by saying the video was released by dissidents with the aim of inciting people's sentiments.
— Emily Schrader – אמילי שריידר امیلی شریدر (@emilykschrader) October 14, 2022
The BBC reported the incident:
It seems that the Iranian authorities are walking in a minefield. With every step they take they cause more fury.
As well as the violent crackdown of the protesters, bashing their heads on pavements and dragging them on the ground, two recent videos in particular have caused an uproar.
In at least two videos, security forces who are forcefully trying to arrest female protesters appear to be sexually assaulting them.
Even the hardcore supporters of the government are shocked. They say that Islamic rules were meant to protect the sanctity of women – but the forces of the Islamic Republic are now sexually harassing them.
The treatment of women in Iran is a central issue in the protests which began four weeks ago. Nationwide demonstrations erupted on September 13 following the death of a 22-year-old Iranian woman in the custody of country’s morality police. The young women, named Mahsa Amini, was detained and allegedly tortured by the regime’s Sharia-enforcers for violating Islamic dress code.
The regime responded with deadly force to quell pro-democracy protests. Around 244 people, including 21 children, have been killed and close to six thousand arrested, rights groups estimate.
As protests hit cities across Iran, the security forces have been reinforced by members of the dreaded Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the Shia-Islamic regime’s loyalist armed wing. Sky New (UK) reported Saturday that “officers from the military Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) have been reported as operating in the region wearing police and riot police uniforms in recent days.”
Today #Iran’s supreme leader likened the Islamic Republic to a “mighty tree and no one should dare think they can uproot it.” Below are protesters destroying a statue of Ayatollah Khomeini.
— Jason Brodsky (@JasonMBrodsky) October 14, 2022
Tehran “Systematically” Deploys Rape as Weapon Against Dissidents
This is not an isolated incident of sexual assault by some rogue elements within the Iranian security apparatus. The regime, which brutally enforces Hijab and “modest” Islamic dress code, systematically uses rape as a weapon against female dissidents. As British newspaper The Guardian reported in 2011: “Prison guards in Iran [were] giving condoms to criminals and encouraging them to systematically rape young opposition activists locked up with them.”
Despite the regime’s appalling track record, Iran sits on the United Nation’s Women Rights Commission. In April 2021, Iran was elected to this UN agency, which purports to advance “gender equality and the empowerment of women” in the world, joining leading rights abusers such as China, Cuba, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia.
As Hillel Neuer, head of the watchdog organization UN Watch noted, the UN Human Right’s body has been silent on Iran’s brutal suppression of protests.
Iran regime assault on protesters:
244 killed
898 injured
5974 arrested
U.N. Human Rights Council reaction:
0 resolutions
0 emergency sessions
0 commission of inquiryWhy, @NadaNashif?
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) October 14, 2022

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That totalitarian regimes are on the United Nations Women’s Rights Commission is a Leftists joke
It’s only going to get worse day by day, sadly our Iranian loving government won’t touch anything to stop them.
It’s worse than a joke – it’s an obscenity, and no less than the pedophiles (and their leftist money recipients) pushing pedophelia to pre-pubescent children – nor the butcher ‘doctors’ massacring (cutting off the breasts) of young teen women.
WTF happened?? Oh, the GOP happened.
To blame all of this on the GOP, a few weeks before the election, proves that you are a damn troll that wants us to lose. Go to hell.
Fine’s not a troll, he’s been here forever. I’m pretty sure he’s a he, but I may have misgendered her, the horror!
Heh, all jokes aside. We’re good here. Fine’s been spouting this anti-GOP stuff for ages and no one cares (or listens) except people who already think that a Republican who votes with us 95% is worse than a Democrat who votes against us 100% of the time. In other words, it’s a small audience of illogical thinkers, so don’t fret.
Also, you come very very close to ad hominem here (with the “go to hell” part, not the incorrect part about Fine being a troll), so please avoid attacking LI commenters on a personal basis.
Who’s listening to him….
More pressing: first, I’m right. Second, if the GOP does take the House, a swamp putz named McCarthy is going to be the Speaker (Boehner II). Second, if we take the Senate, a backstabbing rat named McConnell is going to be the head of the Senate.
If McCarthy and/or McConnell are put in charge of anything, we might as well have lost the election, because in two years, the script will once again flip, and the democrats will take the House and Senate, with a vengence.
And your fix is . . . what? We all vote for Democrats? Because reasons?
How is suggesting someone go to Michigan an ad hominem attack?
Fuzzy, the fix is the vote GOP, obviously – but not to to enable the hacks like Rona Romney McDaniels, McCarthy and complete rats like McConnell. We need to win, but a ‘win’ won’t be a win if these three clown remain in charge of ‘our’ victory.
Pain is teaching ‘democrats’ a good lesson. Pain has also taught all of us a good lesson: hence, our election of Trump giving the hook to the likes of Jeb! Bush. It could be that voters need more pain before they get their heads straight. Winning in 2022 only to hand everything over to talentless, backstabbing hacks is no win at all, and a delay in the pain required to slap voters into reality, to the point where turnout can overcome the massive voter fraud machine (no pun intended) in place that I believe has been ‘electing’ psycho people to high office.
Actually, the problem is that the GOP never happens.
Absolutely – they’re a wing of the democrat party. This scam has been going on for years. Until Donald Trump busted it all to hell.
Agree we need more who will fight the Democrats/Marxists until they too fall in line with them.
Are there any men close enough to help these women?
Biden should get himself over there asap and get a few grabs in himself.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
No, Biden should be ashamed of himself. And anyone who supports the pervert should be ashamed of himself.
Biden’s sexual proclivities aside: this man started this war, single-handedly. Sure, he’s a puppet, but he’s the guy who pulled the switch. Any chance to mock Biden – ANY – should be taken.
“Once she is surrounded on all sides by four armoured cops, one of them appears to grabs her inappropriately with a strong hand. She then crumples to the floor,” the daily added.
It looks like a botched edit from “grabs” to “appears to grab.” Women are such fragile flowers.
Imus was flying with his crew to Boston and Imus’s son Wyatt, probably aged 10 or so, announced, “Dad, Bernie touched me inappropriately.” All was well with the world. A double joke was made, one of them made cluelessly in the article above.
Shouldn’t be too surprised by the rαpe. Under a conservative Islamic regime like Iran’s these women vigorously revolting against what’s called for in the Qur’an about women coverings can be considered apostates, no longer Muslim but “mischief makers” (so per Q 5:33 they might even be punished by crucifixion) and so when captured by devout Muslim police they might accordingly be taken as s𝜉x slαves and rαped as “Right hand possessions” sanctioned in Q 70:30, 23:5-6.
Why not just kill them, like our Capitol police do?
Heroes for Democratsy.
Oh, and kick them while they are down, until they are no longer viable.
Obama to Biden’s World War Spring series from Baghdad to Tripoli to Cairo to Kiev to Kabul to Tehran. One step forward, two steps backward.
Last time the guards married the captive women and then raped them so it was done according to Islam.
Just curious: we have doctors in America mutilating – MUTILATING – thousands of teen girls by cutting off their breasts. Thousands of young boys are getting their penises chopped off by these same doctors. Thousands of people teaching our children are complete pedophiles.
While we’re rightfully concerned about Russian rape in Ukraine, let’s not forget the epidemic of child rape and mutilation in our own country.
Btw: when the Russian took Berlin at the end of WW2, they raped every women in it – young, old, sick, dying – every one of them.
Unfortunately, the Soviets were not alone in post-war celebration. All’s fair in lust and abortion, I suppose.
“In two recent videos verified by the BBC, security forces who are forcefully trying to arrest female protesters appear to be sexually assaulting them.”
Spring is in the air, or so it appears.
When the ‘leader of the free world’ feels-up children in public – with impunity – the nonfree world gets the message.
While everyone in the West condemns Iran’s brutal tyranny over women’s rights no one seems to want to discuss the core problem: Islam.
It’s not just about the veil, Islam oppresses women terribly in many ways.
Watched and I’m afraid I don’t see any “sexual assault”. When your in a situation and trying to grab someone to control them you can unintentionally grab something you didn’t mean to.
Besides, they are “assaulting” her and just let her get up and run off? Seems odd to me.
Once someone’s un-personed, you can do whatever you want to them. Doctrines that explicitly otherize “the other” are dangerous that way. No halting conditions. Jews in WW-II Nazi propaganda were “vermin”; their extermination a cleansing. Women are systematically lesser in several interpretations of Islam; what happens to them follows from that.
The current Irani regime is pretty broadly heinous, not just internally. Let’s recall their legislature was chanting “Death to America.” in public session (again, some more), less than a month ago. Because they get off on it. A bunch of them are doubtless supporting the regime because it lets them abuse women, and they get off on it.