This story may be about Cornell, but it’s not about our own Professor Jacobson.
FOX News reports:
Cornell professor warns universities are eliminating meaning of ‘objective truth’ from classrooms with CRTAn Ivy League biology professor is sounding the alarm on how critical race theory curricula is erasing the meaning and even existence of “objective truth” from classrooms and teaching a generation of students to treat the truth “fast and loose.””We’re supposed to be training people like biologists that will become doctors to make us healthier. Mechanical engineers that will build bridges or skyscrapers,” associate professor at Cornell University’s School of Integrative Plant Science Randy Wayne told Fox News Digital in a phone interview this month. “And if they are trained on a foundation that there is no truth, nobody wants to be operated on by such a surgeon, or drive over a bridge made by such an engineer.””And I’m afraid that’s just where the universities are going. Training people to treat the truth fast and loose in order to obtain just what you want. And in the case of the universities, what they want is what they call ‘social justice.’ And they’re willing to pay to play fast and loose with the truth to get it.”Wayne, a self-described “squeaky wheel” at the Ivy League institution, has been battling critical race theory and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives at the school for the last year and a half, since he first noticed the faculty senate was discussing mandatory critical race theory training for faculty.As a scientist and teacher, Wayne said his purpose is to search for truth and teach his students how to search for truth.”Critical race theory, which is based on the postmodernist assumption that there is no truth, there’s no objective truth, it’s just a no-starter for me,” Wayne said. “You could create any fantasy land you want, it has nothing to do with reality. And, frankly, the way it’s used, it causes fear and terror in all the people that are afraid to answer the mantra the way they believe it should be answered.”
Interestingly, the FOX News article includes an older video of Professor Jacobson: