Conservative Students at University of Iowa Complain of Repeated Harassment
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Conservative Students at University of Iowa Complain of Repeated Harassment

Conservative Students at University of Iowa Complain of Repeated Harassment

“increasingly frustrated by the attacks and the lack of institutional support from campus leaders”

Does anyone believe this would happen to liberal students at the school?

The College Fix reports:

Conservative students at University of Iowa frustrated as harassment incidents mount

Conservative student groups at the University of Iowa have faced several instances of harassment since the start of the fall 2022 semester.

Student leaders of TPUSA, College Republicans and additional center-right students at the school have in recent weeks connected to discuss how they are increasingly frustrated by the attacks and the lack of institutional support from campus leaders.

Most recently, at a Turning Point USA event featuring Benny Johnson on Sept. 20, a student called the topic “racist ass sh*t,” and screamed “f*ck you” after he kicked the table at the front of the room that held the projector, sending it toppling over.

Johnson had played a satirical video of Kamala Harris being happy at seeing a mariachi band and border patrol bus. Student Travell Wright was arrested and cited for disorderly conduct and criminal mischief.

“I’m frustrated because I know that if a conservative were to do what Travell did, they would be expelled. Conservatives are in the minority on this campus and the university doesn’t understand what we have to deal with,” Cristina Carthey, UI Turning Point USA’s secretary, told The College Fix.

Following the projector incident, a letter to the editor in the student newspaper from a recently retired professor blamed the conservative event for the attack.

“An audience member interrupted to ask a question: Johnson ignored him. He next projected a ‘meme’ that shocked me: it was vile and racist,” wrote former Professor Bruce Fehn in the Daily Iowan.

“…But what about Benny Johnson’s responsibility? It is significant that Johnson’s presentation contained racist content built around the plight of people fleeing economic and political oppression. … In contrast, Travell Wright reacted viscerally to material he, too, recognized as racist,” Fehn wrote.


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The “triggered” lefty is a student???

I think we can see the results of lowering standards in college admissions.

On watching the video, the presentation was far from “racist,” but some people are just trained to see it everywhere. It’s systemic, dontcha’ know…

Rather than just complaining they need to go on offense. The charge of racism appears to be a typical leftist lie. Call it what it is. Threaten to sue if they don’t get an apology. (which they won’t). Scream bloody murder at being treated like second class citizens.

That attack was intimidation taken from a BrownShirt playbook of ’30s Germany. If the authorities don’t punish it severely, this action and others like it will continue to escalate.
History may/may not repeat, but it certainly does rhyme.

I suppose Bruce Fehn blames the victim when their face runs into the fist of a leftist.

BierceAmbrose | October 18, 2022 at 2:49 pm

They’re gonna cheat, the refs are bought, and the field tilts itself wherever they’re headed.

Now, if you’re gonna play, play the game that’s really being played.

Capitalist-Dad | October 22, 2022 at 9:17 am

Ms. Carthey says, “[T]he university doesn’t understand what we have to deal with.” That’s way too generous. The university knows EXACTLY what happens. Nothing leftists do is out of ignorance or incompetence. Everything done is out of malice.