Coalition of Student Leaders Working to Keep Ben Shapiro From Speaking at U. Michigan

This group is called the Ethical Investment Front, and they’re busting out every smear against Shapiro you could imagine.

They wrote this piece for the Michigan Daily:

Op-Ed: Stop Ben Shapiro from Speaking at the University of MichiganOn Sept. 22, the Young Americans for Freedom chapter at the University of Michigan announced they were inviting Ben Shapiro to speak at the University of Michigan Rackham Graduate School on Nov. 15th. Shapiro, a divisive political commentator, has based his entire career on promoting extremely anti-abortion, transphobic, Islamophobic, homophobic, racist and misogynistic views, which are commonly surface-level understandings of race and sociology. His opinions, which include blaming critical race theory and the Black Lives Matter movement for America’s demise, have furthered division and hate across the nation.We, the Ethical Investment Front, are a coalition of student leaders, organizers and community members brought together as an offshoot of the Students of Color Liberation Front, and we are concerned about Shapiro’s presence on campus. We urge the University’s Board of Regents and President Santa Ono to recognize the threat to safety that Shapiro’s presence holds and stop him from speaking at the University. His presence will only cause harm to our campus and communities in Ann Arbor and poses particular risk to students of Color, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as those of other marginalized backgrounds.This situation is regrettably reminiscent of when white supremacist and neo-Nazi Richard Spencer planned to speak at the University of Michigan and Michigan State University in 2018. Thanks to community organizing and the pressure the U-M Stop Spencer Campaign put on administrators, the University prevented Spencer from speaking. Similarly, the MSU Stop Spencer Campaign was able to get Spencer to speak off campus and to a smaller audience, but violence and arrests still persisted. However, with a new administration comes inexperience, and any gaps in our commitment to justice and equity will allow bigoted speakers to come to campus.

Tags: Ben Shapiro, College Insurrection, Free Speech, Michigan