Christian PA Claims Hospital Fired Her for Not ‘Using Preferred Pronouns’ or Helping With ‘Gender Transition’ Referrals


People of faith get very little consideration in our woke new world.

Campus Reform reports:

Christian PA sues university hospital after being fired for refusing to assist with ‘gender assignment’ referralsPhysician Assistant Valerie Kloosterman filed a lawsuit against the University of Michigan Health-West (UMHW) last week claiming that she was fired for her Christian beliefs, which prohibit her from using preferred pronouns and recommending “gender transitioning” procedures.Formerly known as Metropolitan Hospital, UMHW became affiliated with the University of Michigan Health System in 2016. Subsequentially, leadership changed resulting in new required training.In 2018, Kloosterman was informed that she must complete training on how to treat LGBTQ+ patients.The hospital required Kloosterman to complete additional training in 2021 that included “a requirement to affirm statements concerning sexual orientation and gender identity that her Christian faith prohibited her from affirming.”There was no option to choose an alternative or “request a religious accommodation.” If the training module was left incomplete after June 30, 2021, Kloosterman was informed she would be terminated.Kloosterman requested to meet with the vice president of the DEI Department Dr. Rhae-Ann Booker, who is listed as a defendant in the lawsuit, but Booker was unable to meet until after the deadline.“Defendant Booker was not available to meet until July 1, after the training was due, so Ms. Kloosterman decided to complete the training module and to explain her position to the University of Michigan Health-West separately,” the lawsuit states.During a meeting on July 1, Booker claimed Kloosterman was “‘uncomfortable’ seeing gay and lesbian patients” despite Kloosterman’s objections that “during her 17 years of employment” she had never had an issue with LGBTQ patients.After the initial meeting with Booker, Kloosterman attended another meeting on July 29 with representatives from the UMHW DEI and HR departments.One of the defendants listed in the lawsuit, DEI Program Director Thomas Pierce, attended the meeting and, “grew hostile, visibly angry with tight fists and a flushed demeanor, and attacked Ms. Kloosterman’s religious beliefs.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Medicine, Michigan, Religion, Transgender