CDC Quietly Ending Daily COVID-19 Reports
Ostensibly, the shift is “allow for additional reporting flexibility.” However, the move is likely to be based more on political science than medical science.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently announced amid little fanfare that it would end daily covid reports, shifting to weekly updates to its nationwide tracking of the virus.
“To allow for additional reporting flexibility, reduce the reporting burden on states and jurisdictions, and maximize surveillance resources, CDC is moving to a weekly reporting cadence,” the agency wrote in a post to explain the move.
Starting on October 20, state and local health departments will now only need to report new COVID-19 cases and deaths to the agency every week on Wednesdays.
The agency should really be ending the reports entirely, as the “pandemic is over” according to Biden.
It appears many states have already gone to a weekly reporting schedule anyway.
White House COVID-19 coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha said in a Friday briefing that many states had already made the informal shift to weekly surveillance, which led to inconsistent information.
“What I think CDC is doing is moving to a weekly cadence that reflects where states are across the country,” he said. “That said, the COVID team at the White House, the work of the CDC on looking at data and analysis – that continues at seven days a week where we have daily data available.
Interestingly, the decision is coming as covid cases are now surging in Europe.
Infections have been rising in many European countries, including the U.K., France, and Italy.
“In the past, what’s happened in Europe often has been a harbinger for what’s about to happen in the United States,” says Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. “So I think the bottom line message for us in this country is: We have to be prepared for what they are beginning to see in Europe.”
Of course, with the current administration, there is a good chance the decision is based on science….political science.
Wouldn’t want to hurt Dear Leader Biden
CDC will end daily COVID-19 reports –
(@BeanFromPA) October 8, 2022

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It’s the start of flu season. Maybe they’ll report on the flu.
Didn’t zero people get the flu last year? So, who exactly is out there spreading flu germs if literally nobody has had flu for 2 years or so? Maybe the CDC can answer this.
More likely they’ll call the usual seasonal increase in flu cases a covid surge, as they have for the last 2 years.
“Safe and Effective” isn’t a lie
(It’s two lies)
It’s never going away because it’s man made freaking disaster
Ain’t it the truth. I am still seeing lone drivers in cars masked up. Today I saw two! I don’t get it. I really don’t.
Holy virtue signal Batman!
Ease up. Choosing to wear a mask and being forced to wear one are two very different things. I don’t assume anything about mask wearers because I do not have a medical degree.
There is no valid medical reason for wearing one alone in a car.
There’s no valid medical reason for wearing one in a room full of people either, at least not if preventing transmission of respiratory viruses is the purpose for wearing it.
No no no, that’s a GOOD thing.
The insane leftists have chose to self-identify in an extraordinarily obvious manner.
“s Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. ”
Looks like he kept his job. I think this is one of the authors of a literature review early in the COVID hysteria that said there was no evidence in the scientific literature that supported the assertion that the use of mask prevented viral infection.or transmission. There were demands that he retract the paper, be fired from his job, death threats, etc. I think he spent the next two years basically walking back the “science'”.
Coinciding with the Pfizer executive admitting that they did ABSOLUTELY ZERO TESTING on whether their so-called ‘vaccine’ had ANY EFFECT on transmission.
They’re just anticipating the conservatives taking back Congress and are counting on the RINOs to quietly slink away and do nothing about it.
Covid-19 evolved under pressure from natural immunity (i.e. sterilizing) as Covid-20, 21, and 22 with progressive effect.
In COVID hearing, #Pfizer director admits: #vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission.
“Get vaccinated for others” was always a lie.
Show you how one state’s Surgeon General can shut down a national hoax.
We’ve known for the beginning that mRNA “vaccines” were not properly vetted. Why else would Pfizer put up such a legal fight against releasing their research findings? From the beginning, there were brave scientists and doctors warning about the long-term side effects that prevented these drugs from being approved. But treating mRNA “vaccines” as being a miracle new drug and “expediting” their release unleashed what is already beginning to kill a lot of people, mostly young men.
Not all regulation is bad. When it comes to drugs, there isn’t enough regulation. Eliminate the corrupt politicians and the profit motive for maintaining a sick and drug-addicted citizenry, there would be far less obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney and liver issues and other chronic illnesses.
We need an FDA that says “F@$#& NO!” to insistent pharmaceutical companies who just don’t care about science or public health. CA just approved of using dead human bodies as fertilizer which tells us how profitable killing us is becoming and how little they care about us.
Emergency classification set to expire tomorrow, but I bet they quietly extend it another 3 months.
The US Court of Claims thought they had a lot on their hands with the air traffic controller cases. The incoming vaccine injury cases will be another order of magnitude (at least) in numbers and complexity.
Meanwhile, Congress needs to contemplate the problem of regulatory capture, because there appears to be a strong case already that Pfizer and also Moderna committed fraud with the support of various government officials,
Another aspect of this problem has been excessive government entanglement with a single political party, our mass media, Big Tech and certain very large foundations. This entanglement has not only led to enormous overreach against personal liberties and excessive diversion of the resources of a great nation, but also something even worse — tunnel vision.
Covid needs to disappear and gas prices cannot rise for Democrats to stand any chance in the next two elections. The infuriating thing is that governments and businesses are pretending the Covid tyranny never happened and they are appearing to get away with it. Someone has to be imprisoned over what happened the last two years.
The real reason that officials are now admitting that they knew that the vaccines don’t work and that they never did the research to claim that the WuFlu infection was very contagious is not that they didn’t do the research but that they don’t want to RELEASE the research.
Of course infections are rising, it’s normal for coronavirus infections to rise as winter approaches. That isn’t evidence of a “surge”.
If a CDC study finds more DGUs than gun violence isn’t reported, did it make a sound?
Asking for the Clinton administration, which commissioned the study, then squelched it, one presumes because of what it found.