Biden: ‘I was Sort of Raised in the Puerto Rican Community at Home Politically’

President Joe Biden is in Puerto Rico to tour the island after Hurricane Fiona. Gotta love it when Biden is allowed to talk off the cuff.

Now Biden claims he was raised in a Puerto Rican community:

BIDEN: “— of our state is minority. And so, I — I was sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community at home politically. And so, we — and we came here for a long time, both for business and pleasure since you’re part of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals and Delaware is as well, and I was chairman of the Judiciary Committee. I spent a lot of time in the northern part of the state. But look, it’s people like you who — who do so much for your community and are going to make such a big difference as Puerto Rico rebuilds. Thank you, Governor, for your partnership as we work together to help rebuild Puerto Rico, and I mean rebuild it all, and rebuild it in a resilient way. So you don’t — when storms come again, which they will, they’re not having the damage they caused before.”

So let’s see here. Biden was raised around Puerto Ricans. He worked as a truck driver. He once faced off against a gang leader with a razor blade named Cornpop.

One time Angelo Negri, an Amtrak conductor, congratulated Biden for traveling 1.5 million miles. But Negri retired 20 years before the story could have happened. Biden also changed the number to two million miles.

In August 2019, Biden also put three stories into one when he told a “moving but false war story.” The Washington Post called him out on it. Biden continued to insist everything he said was true but even other outlets said, “Yeah, didn’t happen, Uncle Joe.”

Tags: Biden Cognitive, Joe Biden