Biden and Democrats Looking to Fund School Model Tied to Critical Race Theory
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Biden and Democrats Looking to Fund School Model Tied to Critical Race Theory

Biden and Democrats Looking to Fund School Model Tied to Critical Race Theory

“It comes straight from critical race theory”

Remember when were repeatedly assured that Critical Race Theory isn’t being taught in schools? Good times.

FOX News reports:

Biden, Democrats seek to flood millions into school model with questionable ties to critical race theory

The Biden administration and Democrats in Washington have been pushing for millions in funding for a union-backed model of schools that included some critical race theory concepts.

Biden’s 2023 fiscal budget calls for $468 million for a “community schools” program. “Community schools” are focused on embedding “culturally relevant” pedagogy and “restorative justice” practices within its structure, according to the Coalition for Community Schools. The Department of Education promotes the coalition – which includes the American Federation of Teachers union – on its community schools webpage.

“It comes straight from critical race theory,” Mike Gonzalez of the Heritage Foundation told Fox News Digital about “restorative justice” and “culturally relevant/responsive pedagogy.”

“Restorative practices” is the antidote, so to speak, to the “systemic racism” that critical race theorists claim plagues America, Gonzalez said.

Max Eden, a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, said Democrats are “gaslight[ing]” parents about how CRT comes into play in U.S. schools.

“Culturally responsive pedagogy” is about disassembling “a common culture and focus[ing] on dividing students according to… their ethnic cultures and pushing an agenda that’s based on students’ ‘identities.’ As critical race theorists would see it, identity is kind of defined in terms of intersectionality. That… is the connection between culturally relevant or responsive [pedagogy] and CRT,” he said.

Eden wrote that “When parents hear terms like… ‘Culturally Responsive Education,’ and ‘Restorative Justice… they would be fundamentally correct to go to a school board meeting and complain about critical race theory.”

“All of these practices are influenced by and have the same politicized purpose as CRT, which… defines itself not merely as a ‘theory’ but also as an activist practice,” he added.

The AFT union has been one of the strongest leaders for the community schools agenda.


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= CRA (Critical Race Activism) +
CRA (Communists Revealing All)

    healthguyfsu in reply to Rab. | October 10, 2022 at 7:24 pm

    I’m confused. Is the answer to this 4 or does my race matter on how you grade the answer?

    I definitely identify as oppressed as everyone will race to do so in this model.

I am fine with this as long as it is combined with universal school choice, the money follows the child. Let schools offer a wide variety of things while competing on an even playing field for students.

George_Kaplan | October 11, 2022 at 9:48 pm

Can the DC legally tie funding to adherence to Democrat ideology? What happens in states which outlaw the teaching of CRT, regardless of what label teachers use? And what happens if Republicans retake Congress then tie funding to adherence to ‘Republican ideology’?

This has the potential to get very messy and very ugly!