Average National Gas Prices Up 11.1 Cents Thanks to the West Coast as California Hits New Records
Silence from the Biden administration.

Uh oh. I thought dipping into the reserves, and the inflation bill would solve all our gas problems.
The West is seeing a massive gas price rise, with California cities hitting new records.
Massive jump in average #gasprices vs last week that’s pulling up the national average. Inventories in the West Coast now at their lowest in a decade:
California up 55.3c/gal
Oregon up 45.6c/gal
Alaska up 45.4c/gal
Washington up 41.7.c/gal
Arizona up 34.7c/gal
Nevada up 33.7c/gal— Patrick De Haan
(@GasBuddyGuy) October 2, 2022
The national average is $3.80, which is up 11.1 cents from last week:
“With gas prices continuing to surge on the West Coast and Great Lakes, the national average saw its second straight weekly rise. But at the same time, areas of the Northeast and Gulf Coast have continued to see declines as the nation experiences sharp differences in trends between regions,” said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy. “Some West Coast states saw prices rise 35 to 55 cents per gallon in the last week as refinery issues continued to impact gasoline supply, which fell to its lowest level in a decade in the region, causing prices to skyrocket. While I’m hopeful there will eventually be relief, prices could go a bit higher before cooling off. In addition, OPEC could decide to cut oil production by a million barrels as the global economy slows down, potentially creating a catalyst that could push gas prices up further.”
Let’s look at California:
The average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in the Los Angeles-Long Beach area rose less than a penny Monday morning, but it was enough to set a new record at $6.466, according to the AAA website.
Riverside County also set a record at $6.332 overnight, and Orange County broke its record on Saturday with a new high of $6.429 per gallon.
- Los Angeles-Long Beach – $6.46 (Record high)
- Orange County – $6.42 (Record high Saturday)
- Ventura County – $6.40
- Riverside County – $6.33 (Record high)
- San Bernardino County $6.32
The average price across California stands at $6.38, which is still about 5 cents short of the record set back in June.
Gov. Gavin Newsom blamed the high prices on “oil company extortion.” If that’s the case, then why did Newsom relax refinery rules? If anything, it proves the oil company executives are correct when they blame California’s strict state regulations.
To the shock of no one, Newsom didn’t release details of the proposal. What a wuss.
Michigan gas rose 23 cents to $4.17 last week:
Metro Detroit’s average is even more, at $4.20 a gallon, and Marquette’s, at $4.26.
“Michigan drivers are seeing noticeably higher prices at the pump, with the state average jumping above $4 a gallon once again,” said Adrienne Woodland, a AAA spokeswoman, Monday in a news release. “If demand remains robust as supply tightens, drivers should brace for rising pump prices through the week.”
Even the least expensive gas price areas in the state: — Traverse City, $4.03; Benton Harbor, $4.13 and Grand Rapids, $4.14 — were averaging more than $4 a gallon.
The new gas price is 33 cents morethan [sic] last month and almost $1 — 96 cents more — than last year. Motorists are paying an average of $62 for a full 15-gallon tank of gasoline. Nationwide, the price of gas is $3.80 a gallon, just a 9-cent increase from a week ago.
Columbus, South Carolina, saw a 15-cent rise in gas prices, now averaging $3.68 a gallon.
Gas in Cleveland, Ohio, went up by 6.7 cents to $3.70. Akron went up by 1 cent.

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Lets just cut them off and vet the refugees fleeing through the mountains. Anyone who voted for this madness gets sent back.
There is no “Columbus” SC- that’s Ohio
Probably Columbia, SC
Regular gas here: $3.50
Kansas: Where you can have a big house with a full basement, a garage, a horse barn and a few acres, for less than somebody in San Francisco pays for an empty lot.
It’s $2.89 right now at both of my usual stations – a Valero and an Exxon, but it’ll undoubtedly go up tonight. It’s cheaper at places like Costco, but my baby only gets “Top Tier” gas.
Like Valero, Costco gas is Top Tier. $2.79 is cheapest Regular in my town.
I didn’t recall them being on the list. However, they’re membership only, right?
This might panic the Dems a bit, since, despite attempts to blame the oil companies, the real cause of the unprecedented price hikes was the selection of Biden and his economically ignorant EOs.
What do you feel was “ignorant” in Biden’s EO’s or anything else the puppet masters have done?
I don’t see ignorant or stupid.
I see a meticulous and detailed plan to destroy the US economic engine being executed in phased with surgical precision.
This is the desired result and they will make no attempt whatsoever to stop it.
All they will do is deflect blame and try to convince you that its not really as bad as you think it is while they are executing the next planned phase.
People in California are not worried. They have a plan They are switching to electric cars. By 2035 there will be a dozen Electric Vehicle chargers on every street corner. And it will all be free!
And I am not worried about the people in California. The way they are going they won’t be able to afford gas or diesel. They will not have water for their crops or to drink. They will not have electricity. They are chasing off truckers who pick up goods imported from overseas [for a little while longer] and move goods to stores. I figure that in a couple of years they won’t be anybody’s problem.
Subotai Bahadur
Well, the first charge is free.
For the second, you’ll have to deal with Tuco.
I got a charge out of reading your post.
In Florida, the state gas tax of 25.3 cents per gallon has been suspended for the month of October.
Gavin Newsom: No comment.
Between state and federal our gas taxes in CA are slightly over $1.20 per gallon.
Newsom doesn’t give a sh*t about anything but his own ambitions and SJW issues.
Price allocates a supply shortage to the most efficient uses. It’s not the price that’s the problem but the shortage. The price is part of the solution.
Suspending the gas tax for instance makes it worse by raising demand.
Notice it’s the WEST coast they’re talking about, not Florida that just had a hurricane.
Make sure to thank the pedophile-in-chief. His policies deserve all of the credit.
California won’t build a pipeline to Texas. So, they have to import oil by Ship. Thanks to the Jones Act, that oil is usually high priced Middle Eastern oil.
It used to be an option to for the commiefornians to get Alaskan oil, but yes, the Jones act makes that a bit more complicated. Now, the oil companies should most definitely listen to what they’re saying and send those tankers east to Japan or Korea.
They are going to make you “green” even if it kills you. (Hint: not a bug)
I thought California went full retard when they voted for the high speed train, but they have degenerated since then. The leaders of California keep testing voters’ limits and have determined there are none. The vast majority of California voters are completely stupid and docile Eloi and will be harvested as needed by the Morlocks running the state.
Costco gas shot up to 4.99/gal, so the rest of Seattle is probably 5.25 or more. Yay, climate cultists and destroy America ideologues!
On Saturday 10/1/22 prices were $6.89 to $6.99 for unleaded in Fremont, CA in the SF Bay Area. The prices quoted in the article are no where near what we’re paying here. Our total state and federal taxes are a little more than $1.20 per gallon.
Just drove WA > ID > MT > WY > SD > IA > IL via I-90 / I-29 / I-80. Gas in WA was $5.80 on the 29th in North Bend. It was $4.60 next day in CdA, $3.80 ish in WY, SD, IA, IL. Assuming WA is just taxking the hell out of gas and some price gouging for ‘last gas’ before the pass. .
Once again, California leads the way!
What if the rest of us don’t so much want the future they’re leading us to? Asking for 49 other states.