Young Democratic Socialists of America Chapter at Wayne State U. Creates List of Demands
“We demand that these goals be met no later than the end of the Winter 2023 semester”

Is there anything else that Democratic Socialists do besides create lists of demands?
Campus Reform reports:
Socialist students petition Wayne State to discontinue background checks, stock abortion pills on campus
The Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA) chapter at Wayne State University (WSU) created a petition with a lengthy list of demands.
The petition, titled “Save Our Campus,” calls on the administration to implement a $15 minimum wage, reduce tuition by 15%, eliminate background and drug testing for university employment, and to stock abortion pills and Plan B in the Campus Health Center.
“We demand that these goals be met no later than the end of the Winter 2023 semester,” the petition states.
The chapter stipulates that the demands will be funded by “reducing administrator salaries and from the $185 million in unreserved funds that the university currently holds.”
A number of schools across the country have reportedly forgone asking applicants about their criminal history, a practice known as “ban the box.”
The University of Michigan announced in November 2021 that the school removed questions about criminal backgrounds from its job application.
Several states have also passed legislation since 2017 that “prohibits or limits colleges and universities” from asking about criminal history on job applications, reports Operation Restoration.
Drug tests have also loosened to permit college athletes to retain eligibility.
The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) increased the amount of THC that a college athlete can have in their system before triggering a positive test last February.
Since the overturn of Roe v. Wade in June, Campus Reform has also reported on the call to stock abortion pills in campus clinics.
Controversy shook University of Massachusetts, Amherst’s campus earlier this semester after the Student Government Association publicly supported the administration’s decision to “provide the medical abortion pill to students on site[.]”
Wayne State YDSA’s petition currently has over 600 signatures.

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Dear Young Democrat Socialists of America Chapter:
Dean T G Grizzly
Call them what they really are: The Young Communists of America.
Then ship them to North Korea.
Why do you hate the North Koreans so much?
“Team America, World Police.”
Also Arrec Barr’win.
“I’m so ronery, so ronery….” LOL!
Cracks my wife up every time.
Birds of a feather?
That they should experience the communist utopia the yearn for so strongly?
Every time students create “demands” of the administration, they should be given a quick boot to the pants – right out of college.
By definition you’re in college to learn from people that know more than you. You making “demands” of them proves you don’t grasp that, and makes you unsuitable as a student. Period.
Give ’em an academic inch, they will take a Marxist mile….
What are they going to do? Wait in a cafeteria (bread) line in protest?
YDSA made a tactical error that will doom their initiative. They demanded that administrators accept reduced salaries.
dear students
you may reference your “activism” as the reason for your expulsion when you inform your parents–also, inform them we’ll be keeping your tuition
best wishes for your future and remember: “when in doubt, always supersize !”
the administration
“We demand that these goals be met no later than the end of the Winter 2023 semester.”
Your move.
Just like “celebrity” threats to leave the county, they will never leave this “horrible” college.
Someone needs to show these kids how this is done as they only got it half right.
1) Here is a list of our demands
2) if they are not met then…….
“We demand the University do this”
“Uh…now what”?
“nice college you got there… shame if anything were to happen to it…”
“We demand that these goals be met no later than the end of the Winter 2023 semester,” the petition states. “
“….the demands will “save [WSU] from ruin…. ”
Awwwww. Aren’t They Special? Bless Their Hearts & Their Little Pointy Heads, they just don’t know any better
Having worked in a Major Division 1 Athletic Department, I don’t think ncaa rules & guidelines for athletes are negotiable. Then again, the ncaa has been a toothless tiger for a long time.
“a petition with a lengthy list of demands …”
Because they never merely “request” that the administration consider what they propose. It’s always demands.
Yet somehow they never quite explain why they are (or should be) in a position to demand anything of anyone.