USC Offering a Grant to Senior Film Students to Fund Their Pro-Abortion Films
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USC Offering a Grant to Senior Film Students to Fund Their Pro-Abortion Films

USC Offering a Grant to Senior Film Students to Fund Their Pro-Abortion Films

“I would hope that if this grant funds a story about somebody who’s life was made easier because of her abortion”

Abortion activism is going to be all the rage on campus this fall.

Campus Reform reports:

This California university is offering a grant to fund pro-abortion films

The University of Southern California recently launched a grant program that will fund film projects geared toward sharing pro-abortion stories.

The initiative is being referred to as the “reproductive rights Accelerator program” and will provide at least four rising seniors with a $25,000 grant to make pro-abortion short films, according to an Aug. 17 tweet.

The program is part of the university’s Annenberg Inclusion Initiative (AII), which is a part of the School for Communication and Journalism.

AII prides itself on being “the leading think tank in the world studying diversity and inclusion in entertainment through original research and sponsored projects,” the website states.

USC student Morgan Farrier spoke with Campus Reform about her thoughts on the program.

“I would hope that if this grant funds a story about somebody who’s life was made easier because of her abortion, they would also fund stories about the women who regret their abortions, the women who chose life and were happy with their decision, stories of abortion survivors, and other individuals that don’t fit the pro-choice narrative,” Farrier said.


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If they present all sides, then more power to them, but leftist abortion enthusiasts are incapable of doing that.

A pro-abortion film will only be watched by pro-abortion viewers, so I’m not so worried about the outcome of this folly.

Abortion is a hearts and minds issue that we need to deal with at the dinner table while our children are young. I’m afraid that abortion as an issue on the ballot will only serve to keep good men and women from winning elected office. The depraved abortion supporter are in the majority at this time.

Satan could not be happier to support beings of less talent. If you ever needed some reason to compare and contrast God vs Evil just consider how delightful it might be to spend eternity with the likes of such defiled intellectuals