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University of Oregon Apologizes for Anti-Mormon Chant During Football Game With Brigham Young University

University of Oregon Apologizes for Anti-Mormon Chant During Football Game With Brigham Young University

“The University of Oregon sincerely apologizes for an offensive and disgraceful chant coming from the student section during yesterday’s game against Brigham Young University”

This only happened because of the recent race-based incident which is already believed to be a hoax.

CBS News reports:

University of Oregon apologizes for “offensive and disgraceful” anti-Mormon chant during BYU football game

The University of Oregon has issued an apology after footage of an explicit anti-Mormon chant during a football game Saturday against Brigham Young University went viral. Oregon faced BYU at Autzen Stadium in Eugene.

The clip led to outrage from Utah Gov. Spencer Cox, who condemned the chant in a retweet of the video that claimed: “Religious bigotry alive and celebrated in Oregon.”

BYU is private university in Utah sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, whose members are known as Mormons.

On Sunday, the University of Oregon apologized for the incident, saying the chant went against “everything the university stands for.”

“The University of Oregon sincerely apologizes for an offensive and disgraceful chant coming from the student section during yesterday’s game against Brigham Young University,” the university said in a statement on Twitter. “These types of actions go against everything the university stands for, and it goes against the spirit of competition. We can and will do better as a campus community that has no place for hate, bias or bigotry.”

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown retweeted the University’s statement and added that the chant was “unacceptable.”

This was ugly.


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I lived in Oregon not too long ago. Eugene (home of Oregon State) and Corvallis (home of the University of Oregon) are very proud of their anti-religious status! I loved the beaches, but I am glad I no longer live there!

I’m not surprised this happened in Oregon at a public university? “Against all we stand for”? That’s probably news to the students who were chanting.

I just listened to a radio interview with the Republican candidate for Oregon Governor–she’s apparently within striking distance, so hopefull Oregeonians will support common sense rather than what they’ve got now

The bigoted students simply walk away from their hate-chant. No disciplinary hearing. No review. Not banned from the stadium.

I see rude comments about Mormons on right wing websites. Usually the mockingly dismissive “magic underwear” insult. Imagine people calling a Yarmulke a “magic hat.” No one would tolerate it.

That was the chant? Oregon students, “ya basic.” I thought it would be something with a little more wit.

So why doesn’t BYU announce they won’t take games with Oregon any more, like whoever it was in Carolina did to BYU at the beginning of this hoax? It’s time to give the proggies back a taste of their own shame techniques.

This is pretty lame. As lame as the apologies for fake racism and bigotry elsewhere.

Most are graduates of Portland Public Schools. It started there a long time ago.

Whatever happened to good old “LET’S GO BRANDON?”