Texas A&M Promotes ‘Self-Managed Abortion’ Event to Students
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Texas A&M Promotes ‘Self-Managed Abortion’ Event to Students

Texas A&M Promotes ‘Self-Managed Abortion’ Event to Students

“This is not healthcare, and is not something a school, any school, should be promoting”

So this is kind of stunning. What could possibly go wrong?

From the YAF blog:

Texas A&M Promotes Event Teaching Students to Perform Their Own Abortions

A recent university-wide email sent to Texas A&M University students promoted an event that will teach students how to perform a “self- managed abortion,” according to a tip received through Young America’s Foundation’s Campus Bias Tip Line.

The event, which is scheduled to take place over Zoom on Tuesday evening, will feature abortion advocate Dr. April Lockley.

“Students will learn the various ways individuals self-manage and self-source medication abortion, as well as the impact of increasing telehealth access to abortion services,” the emailed invitation says.

Lockley describes herself in her Twitter bio as a “reproductive rights and justice advocate with a side of Black girl magic.”

Somewhat ironically, she tweeted earlier this year, “Let’s celebrate Black birth,” despite the fact that she actively promotes abortion, which disproportionately affects pre-born black babies by a factor of more than six times, compared to pre-born white babies.

Although surgical abortion is now illegal in Texas, as is the mailing of abortion-inducing pills, there are currently no restrictions on taking the pill within the first 49 days of pregnancy.

“An event teaching young women how to ‘self manage’ an abortion is abhorrent. Especially when it involves teaching them how to find medication on their own, without the help of medical professionals,” Rachel Sweeney, Chairman of Young Americans for Freedom at Texas A&M University, told YAF.

“This is not healthcare, and is not something a school, any school, should be promoting,” Alexis Rutledge, a member of TAMUYAF, added.


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If I could still find anyone who stocked actual metal coathangers, I’d mail her a stack.

The abortion enthusiasm is strong in this one.

Celebrating black births indeed….