Putin ‘Annexes’ Four Parts of Ukraine After Sham Referendum
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Putin ‘Annexes’ Four Parts of Ukraine After Sham Referendum

Putin ‘Annexes’ Four Parts of Ukraine After Sham Referendum

The so-called referendums occurred in Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia.

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin “annexed” four parts of Ukraine after sham referendums this week.

The so-called referendums occurred in Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia. Russian-backed forces have controlled Donetsk and Luhansk since 2014, the same year Russia took over Crimea. Russian forces took over Kherson and Zaporizhzhia after they invaded again in February.

No one has recognized the takeover of Crimea. No one will recognize this annex either. Time for more strongly worded letters, empty threats, and empty promises to Ukraine.

You all know I am anti-intervention. But put up or shut up. Stop giving Ukraine hope.

Anyway, Putin hailed the areas return to their “great motherland” as he promised to “rebuild towns and villages.” The annexation is “non-negotiable” since the people in the regions made “their choice.”

Putin made another attempt to awaken the Cold War fully (remember it never ended, just dozed off to a nap with an eye open) by attacking the West and its efforts to break up Russia:

The West wants to take over Russia with its new currencies and technological developments, he claims, adding that the West is trying to cancel Russia’s culture.

“They are restless that such a rich country exists”, pointing to Russia’s vast mineral and other resources.

The Russian economy has been hit by sanctions since the invasion of Ukraine in February, with the European Union trying to wean itself off gas imports.

The West is “greedy” and wants Russia as a “colony.”

“They want to see us as a crowd of slaves,” Putin insisted.

Putin also blamed the “Anglo-Saxons” for destroying the Nord Stream pipelines. As Vijeta wrote, the West pointed fingers at Russia. The evidence shows sabotage.

Putin also claimed satanism has taken over the West. He provided more ammo for the leftists to call us Russian agents when we reject their social justice agendas:

Vladimir Putin, in a speech that tilted heavily to criticism of the West, rejected transgender rights and said part of his mission was to safeguard traditional values, writes Nataliya Vasilyeva.

He said the West has been “denying religion and families” and asked Russians if they were ready to sacrifice their traditional values for the sake of integration with the West.

“Would you like Mum and Dad in Russia, in our country, to be replaced with Parent Number 1 or Parent Number 2?” he said.

“Do we really want our children taught from primary school about perversion and a path to degradation … the idea that there are other genders other than man and woman and ideas about gender reassignment surgery?

In a scene you’d see in any movie about Big Brother, the audience broke out into thunderous applause when Putin stressed, “They don’t need Russia. We need Russia!”

The Russian-appointed leaders of the four regions signed the formal documents.

The audience yelled, “Russia! Russia! Russia!” after the signing.

The BBC spelled out the next steps, which happened after the Crimea annexation in 2014:

  • This evening, a concert will take place on Red Square. Reports on Telegram suggest some people are being paid to attend and have been encouraged to bring flags. Earlier this week, Mediazona reported that students were being invited to attend in exchange for university credits
  • A similar rally took place in 2014, after the annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea, which Putin attended, and at which he gave a speech
  • The Constitutional Court will then have to approve the annexations – happening in the next few days
  • Once the Constitutional Court’s approval has come through, the State Duma will approve agreements and adopt amendments to the Constitution increasing the size of the Russian Federation
  • The documents will then approved by the Federation Council, after which the decision of the Duma is officially signed by Vladimir Putin
  • The process is expected to be completed by 4 October but this is the Russian legal process and the annexations will not be recognised by the international community


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I am assuming that Ukraine will have plans for Russia’s installed stooges.

Did Putin’s side get 81 million votes?

Putin also claimed satanism has taken over the West.

Agree with that!

Putins not wrong about our culture

This evening, a concert will take place on Red Square. Reports on Telegram suggest some people are being paid to attend and have been encouraged to bring flags. Earlier this week, Mediazona reported that students were being invited to attend in exchange for university credits

Darn, they keep exposing the Lib’s playbook. Union friend told me they pay them to protest and bring buses to the halls to ship them to event.

The process is expected to be completed by 4 October but this is the Russian legal process and the annexations will not be recognised by the international community

So do they still get the 41 B?

The US and NATO do not have clean hands in this matter.

Certain members of the US Senate and House of Representatives, especially a former Vice President, have been treating Ukraine as their personal piggy-bank.

NATO, after the dissolution of the USSR, has remained relentlessly hostile toward Russia, following a “poke-the-bear” “strategy.”

Meanwhile, the current government in Ukraine has outlawed opposition political parties and jailed both politicians and journalists.

In the United States, when a party comes before a judge to press a case and the judge finds that the party has proceeded in a willful, reckless, and dishonest fashion — has unclean hands — the judge can refuse to hear the case.

I do not support the current course of action by my government, because it has acted shamefully.

    geronl in reply to Valerie. | September 30, 2022 at 6:39 pm

    Russia has never stopped being hostile to it’s neighboring countries. Russia has killed and jailed the opposition and journalists as well.

    JHogan in reply to Valerie. | September 30, 2022 at 10:10 pm

    Meanwhile, the current government in Ukraine has outlawed opposition political parties and jailed both politicians and journalists.

    With the full support of Brandon.

    Who would like to do the same thing here. At the moment it’s a work in progress.

So….Putin holds rigged elections, denounces his opponents as Nazis, and silences dissenting voices.

So, he is different from the Democrats….how, exactly?

““Would you like Mum and Dad in Russia, in our country, to be replaced with Parent Number 1 or Parent Number 2?” he said.”

Commies do want that. And being a former KGB colonel, Putin is a commie. I do not recall him ever denouncing his past.

    gonzotx in reply to rbj1. | September 30, 2022 at 12:20 pm

    I don’t want that either
    Sick of the woke agenda
    Only women can have babies

    End of story

    Most communists don’t go the direction of Progressives because the culture they are dealing with is much more accepting of authority. They did derive from the feudal societies Marx wrote about when he coined “capitalism”. The US does not (and Western Europe not as much), so Progressivism has to work to destroy the successful power structures that built the Anglosphere-led Western Civilization: families, Christianity, English common law (recognizing rights).

    So, no, they probably wouldn’t do the “Parent Number 1” thing. Because they don’t have to.

On the one hand, I’d normally be suspicious of percentages like that.

On the other:

– why are we believing the liars in the MSM, including Fox, that have lied about every aspect of this war on it’s legitimacy, especially when their position is that all elections are fair and honest because the winners said so?

– What’s most startling is the percentage that showed up to vote.

– When you consider they’ve literally been attacked/shelled/made into second class “citizens” at best for nearly a decade, The percentages that bothered to show up, given the known demographics of the region, and voted to join their cultural cousins, is actually not surprising.

Russia hardliners or Putin probably sabotaged the pipelines to reduce the benefits of peace, making continuing the war an easier domestic sell.


Meanwhile, Ukraine now applying for NATO membership.
What could go wrong!

I suspect these referendums were at least as legitimate as the 2020 U.S. presidential election results.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 30, 2022 at 2:28 pm

I’m just wondering, how do we know that the referenda were shams, exactly?

    I thought all Russian elections were shams. We are trying to catch up and surpass Russia in the international sham election race.

      Barry in reply to r2468. | September 30, 2022 at 11:07 pm

      Of course they are. Every one, every “vote”.

        r2468 in reply to Barry. | October 1, 2022 at 6:44 am

        Serious Opposing candidates are not allowed on the ballot so the elections are fixed before the vote ever happens, Take note how our Democrats are trying to criminalize opponents here in the USA. In a Russia you are free to vote but you may not get the candidates you really want.

    When explaining why the elections were sham, please factor in the 5 year prison sentence promised to anyone participating in said election.

    Did our kind host explain the deaths caused by Ukrainian shelling of civilians from 2014 to 2022?

    Displacement of eligible voters by the war started by the initiator of the referendums is the most obvious and clear piece of illegitimacy.

    Other than that, no glaring evidence but that along is more than enough.

    Because Brandon and the Dems say so. And they never lie.

    Only insurrectionists and conspiracy theory nutcases question elections that have been given the Dem stamp of approval.

    When Russian media shows a clip of the counting and the ballots are all blank, that’s a big clue. When the people forcing the vote have guns to your head, hard to thinks that could be a legitimate vote, when millions of residents have been forced to flee and get no vote it is also not very democratic. In at least one of those provinces the majority of the population is still in Ukraine controlled areas and not participating, yet Russia claiming all of it is annexed. lol.

Listened to the speech given by Putin. Clearly Putin, the people of Russia and the people of the new Russian provinces reject the Global Homo agenda, God Speed to them. Unfortunately the people of the west continue to believe the lord of lies.

Christ is King

What’s the result of that referendum?

What would you like it to be?

An EU-certified election.

A Biden, a bribe, a coup, a violent deposition of democracy.

Eight years of Spring.

50 shades of Zelensky et al.

Stand with Ukrainians south and east of Kiev.

    I just cannot work my brain to support Ukraine and will not allow myself to be manipulated by any of the ignorant propaganda infesting our media about this conflict. I feel bad for the people that have to live in these two countries but they are fighting the wrong enemy. Like us, they need to take control of their own governments.

    We need to be playing tough love with Ukraine. Their corrupt government (thanks to our own corrupt government) is playing us for fools. After taking a good look at ourselves in the mirror, we need to honestly assess what our national interests are in that region. Using Ukraine as a proxy for war with Russia is foolish and wrong-headed. Russia is already crushed. They are not going to recover from this. We don’t need to bankrupt ourselves in this distraction that is keeping us with facing our own internal crises. In about 6 weeks, we just may vote away our constitutional freedoms for the final time. The rest of the world will be better served if we avoid this catastrophe and purge our nation of our own elitist cancer infecting the entire national body. We are dying and can’t help the world in our current ill health and that is the ugly truth.

Obvious tactic is obvious. Russia is losing the conventional war, but they have a bazillion nukes. Using said nukes on Ukraine would result in instant international economic reprisals, so they’re applying a fig-leaf of legitimacy to cover the mushroom clouds. So the planned steps from here are most probably:
-Referendum at gunpoint
-Declare referendum complete. Annex ‘new territories’
-Withdraw into these areas and wait
-Eventually Ukraine will strike to drive the Russians back. This necessitates a gathering of Ukrainian forces into one place, preferably inside the ‘new territory’ borders
-Nuke the one place
-Declare this will happen until the invaders leave, and any nation who assists with the invasion on ‘Russian’ soil will suffer the same fate.
-Ukraine will withdraw to the other side of the ‘border’ and bury their dead
-The status quo will continue until the next time Russia decides to nip a chunk off another country.

    Using nukes is a certain way to eliminate yourself and mother russia. Scare tactics and nothing more.

    “-Eventually Ukraine will strike to drive the Russians back.”

    You mean, our proxies being advised by our CIA advisors and armed with our weapons will strike.

    Russia is already doomed. If we (meaning the West) allow ourselves to be bluffed by Putin’s bluff, we deserve what we get. Their rapidly collapsing economy wasn’t strong enough to maintain all of their other weapons so why should we believe that their nukes are as big a threat as we seem insistent to believe? Our intelligence services are notorious wrong about the biggest things. They were wrong about the Soviet economy before Reagan exposed them to be a paper tiger. Driving the price of oil to under $10 toppled them in the end. The same intelligence services were again exposed for vastly over-estimating Russia’s conventional military process. They are still nothing more than thugs who can’t do anything right.

    Today, they have NO economy. Someone just blew up the Nordstream pipelines which were shut down and after Putin’s “excellent” Ukraine adventure, were doomed to sit there idle forever unless they were taken away from Russia, There is a rival pipeline owned by western interests that stands to profit from this and their pipeline is actually in service. Is Putin going to blow up that pipeline?

    Sure, they are awash with natural resources but…. so what? That’s been true for a billion years. They need us to develop and buy those resources. Why haven’t they? So without their nukes, they are no better than NorKo. A population the size of CA with a smaller economy. Russia is being carved up from the east and west because failing to exploit their wealth of resources, they can no longer defend them either.

    So we are needlessly wasting enormous resources by allowing the remaining neocons to trick us once again into fight an expensive proxy war we will lose by fighting but would win by NOT fighting. This is a “Let them kill themselves off. Let God sort them out.” moment in history. They are collapsing and are geographically contained. Let’s get out of the way and allow them to collapse on their own.

    If Putin is determined to go down in a flaming blaze of nuclear glory and we surrender to this fool threatening to blow his own brains out, WE are the idiots. Let the American political family crime syndicates find themselves another honey pot to enrich themselves with.

Are you sure Putin is restarting the Cold war? From the cheap seats it looks as if the neocons and NATO are working to destroy Russia, and finish unfinished business from the Cold war.

It’s a regional conflict. The US should not be involved inside Ukraine.