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Northern Illinois U. Physics Prof Makes Weird Case Linking Face Masks And Racism

Northern Illinois U. Physics Prof Makes Weird Case Linking Face Masks And Racism

“manifestation of ableism and racism”

Why do so many people in hgher ed take away the winning moments of others?

The College Fix reports:

Physics professor: Refusing to wear a face mask is a ‘manifestation of ableism and racism’

Despite Northern Illinois University being “mask optional” this fall semester, one of its physics professors is mandating that anyone attending his classes must wear a face mask.

According to the Young America’s Foundation’s New Guard, Jahred Adelman noted on his syllabus (pictured) that refusal to wear a mask is a “manifestation of ableism and racism.”

“Why do we wear masks? (The pandemic is not over)” the syllabus headline reads. Besides being ableist and racist, the syllabus notes “refusing to wear a mask indoors is […] an exercise of individual privilege that tells the most vulnerable that their health and the health of their loved ones does [sic] not matter.”

“Look around,” it continues. “Your neighbor may be an immunocompromised cancer survivor. The person across the aisle may live with an elderly family member. Your colleague may have a newborn at home.”

Adelman (pictured) also included Photoshopped pictures of the classic scientists Isaac Newton and Robert Hooke saying things like “Bandanas are not acceptable” and “I don’t want to see your nose this semester unless we’re outdoors.”


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The science people at my institution have been the craziest about masks.

Well, somebody’s too incoherent to teach physics. Must be an unpaid adjunct. I hope the U he’s at profits from the association.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to BierceAmbrose. | September 5, 2022 at 4:40 pm

    Physics was one of my strong suits. When I hit college, I found that there were damn few physics professors who knew what they were talking about. For the most part, competent physicists are not teaching.

If we’ve learned anything this decade, it’s how easily student complaints can get crazy professors canceled.

The Gentle Grizzly | September 4, 2022 at 7:39 am

When the courts ordered what amounted to a shutdown of insane asylum facilities, some of the released patients became college professors.

Your neighbor may be an immunocompromised cancer survivor

So what? If they foolishly believe that a mask will stop them from contracting a respiratory virus they are free to wear one.

Someone needs to tell him that in Portland, the heroin addicts self-identify to each other by wearing sunglasses similar to the ones that he is sporting.

Gold medal winner in mental gymnastics.

The only thing masks do is redirect the air flow to the sides.